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Lesson 1 - Friday, July 3rd
Objectif et moyens mis en œuvre pour ces leçons
Améliorer ton niveau d’anglais
Pour cela :
Compréhension orale :
écouter des videos en anglais
Expression orale :
pratique de courts dialogues
Vocabulaire :
courts thèmes oraux
exercices sur Livecode
Grammaire :
révisions des principaux points de grammaire en anglais,
exercices en ligne
Mise à niveau 2nde
Exercices sur le manuel SPARKS
Short conversation: You’ve lost your watch.
Listen to a short dialogue online
I’ve lost my wallet
Read and translate this short dialogue: He’s lost his watch.
I cannot find my watch. Where is it?
I don’t know.
I haven’t seen it for a long time.
I think it’s in your car.
I don’t think so.
You should go and see.
Practice the dialogue
Watch again : I’ve lost my wallet
5 items. lose - find - know -need - feel - want - make - try
to lose I lost lost perdre
J’ai perdu mon porte-feuille
I’ve lost my wallet.
to find I found found trouver
Je ne trouve pas ma montre.
I can’t find my watch.
to know I knew known
Je ne sais pas où est mon porte-feuille.
I don’t know where my wallet is.
to need I needed needed
Ils ont besoin d’aide.
They need help.
to feel I felt felt
to want
to make I made made
to try
Faire traduire le dialogue ci-dessous
Practice : I need some rest.
What will you do next week-end?
I want Mum to take us to the beach.
Because I feel tired. I need some rest.
Try to get more sleep.
That’s a good idea. I’ll try to follow your advice.
And treat yourself to something good.
Yes, that’s another good idea. I’ll make a chocolate cake.
Thème oral
Above sentences.
Grammar point : présent simple forme négative
Comment se forme le présent simple en anglais ?
do not > don’t - does not > doesn’t
Faire dire toutes les formes de la forme affirmative : I speak Italian. You …..
forme négative (avec to speak German)
forme interrogative (avec to speak Spanish)
Where’s my wallet? => I don’t know where your wallet is.
Je ne sais pas où est ton porte-feuille.
Where’s my house?
Where’s my phone?
Where’s my dog?
Where’s my cat?
Where’s my spoon?
Where’s my computer?
Where’s my car?
Where’s my mother?
Where’s my brother?
He needs a new car. => He doesn’t need a new car.
Il n’a pas besoin d’une nouvelle voiture.
He needs a new car.
He needs a new coat.
He needs a new phone.
He needs a new computer.
He needs a new rice-cooker.
He needs an umbrella.
He needs water.
He needs money.
He needs courage.
He needs help. (de l’aide)
People want to work hard. => People do not want to work hard.
Les gens veulent travailler dur.
People want to vote.
People want to work hard.
People want to learn English.
People want to pay more taxes.
People want to help others.
People want to eat meat.
People want to drive carefully.
People want to be nice with others.
People want to listen to classical music.
People want to spend their holidays at home.
Exercices en ligne
Travail sur le livre de Seconde
D’abord lire sur Wikipedia
Lire l’extrait imprimé et faire les exercices de compréhension
Hand out 3 July 2020
Pretty Little Liar
Gatsby is a self-made man. Son of poor farmers from North Dakota, he becomes a millionaire and the owner of a luxurious mansion where extravagant parties are hosted. Gatsby is a legend but he never mentions his past. Many people gossip about his life. In this extract, Gatsby finally talks about his past to Nick, the narrator.
“I’ll tell you God’s truth.” His right hand suddenly ordered divine retribution to stand by. "I am the son of some wealthy people in the Middle West - all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford, because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It is a family tradition.”
He looked at me sideways - and I knew why Jordan Baker had believed he was lying. He hurried the phrase “educated at Oxford,” or swallowed it, or choked on it, as though it had bothered him before. And with this doubt, his whole statement fell to pieces, and I wondered if there wasn’t something a little sinister about him, after all.
“What part of the Middle West?” I inquired casually.
“San Francisco.”
“I see.”
“My family all died and I came into a good deal of money.”
His voice was solemn, as if the memory of that sudden extinction of a clan still haunted him. For a moment 20 I suspected that he was pulling my leg, but a glance at him convinced me otherwise.
“After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe - Paris, Venice, Rome - collecting jewels, chiefly rubies, hunting big game, painting a little, things for myself 25 only, and trying to forget something very sad that had happened to me long ago.”
With an effort I managed to restrain my incredulous laughter. The very phrases were worn so threadbare that they evoked no image except that of a turbaned “character” 30 leaking sawdust at every pore as he pursued a tiger through the Bois de Boulogne.
“Then came the war, old sport. It was a great relief, and I tried very hard to die, but I seemed to bear an enchanted life.”
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1925
Notes: to swallow: allow food/drink to pass down the throat to choke: to have something stuck in the throat to haunt: to trouble repeatedly a rajah: an Indian prince big game: large animals hunted for sport laughter: the act of laughing
Fill in the blanks to complete this introduction to the document. ... /3 pts
This document is an ……………… from a novel written by ……………… . Its title is The Great Gatsby and it was published in 1925. The narrator’s name is ……………… and he talks to a man called ……………… .
True or False? ... /2,5 pts
a. Gatsby is American.
b. The scene takes place in a court of law.
c. In this scene, Gatsby talks to God.
d. Gatsby’s real name is Jordan Baker.
e. Gatsby loves travelling.
Tick the correct boxes. ... /5 pts
a. The narrator thinks that...
□ Gatsby is a lucky man.
□ Gatsby is a liar.
□ Gatsby is depressed.
b. The narrator knows this because... (more than one answer expected)
□ Gatsby is unsure when he is talking.
□ Gatsby makes jokes.
□ Gatsby overdoes it.
□ Gatsby talks about San Francisco but he does not know where it is situated.
c. The general tone of the text is...
□ desperate.
□ anxious.
□ humoristic.
Great Gatsby, see Hand out above
Carnet vcb
Révision en ligne demandée
Next session on Monday 6 July at 10.
Lesson 2 - Monday, July 5th
Check homework/Review former sessions(S)
Great Gatsby, see Hand out above
Carnet vcb
Révision en ligne
I cannot find my watch. Where is it?
I don’t know.
I haven’t seen it for a long time.
I think it’s in your car.
I don’t think so.
You should go and see.
What will you do next week-end?
I want Mum to take us to the beach.
Because I feel tired. I need some rest.
Try to get more sleep.
That’s a good idea. I’ll try to follow your advice.
And treat yourself to something good.
Yes, that’s another good idea. I’ll make a chocolate cake.
I don’t know where your wallet is.
He doesn’t need a new car.
People do not want to work hard.
Listening comprehension + Short dialogue “Do you have a dog?”
Listen to a short dialogue online
Read and translate this short dialogue
have feed do see get take
Short dialogue
Do you have a dog?
I have two.
How often do you feed them?
I feed them twice a day.
I’ve two green lizards.
I can’t see them.
I can see one.
I can see both of them.
You know, I get them some coke every morning.
I can see (that) you take good care of them.
Faire traduire
Vocabulary + short dialogue: “Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.”
to say I said said - to go I went gone - to come I came come - to look - to use
Translate this short dialogue: people say that they don’t use pesticides
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
But they use them against mosquitoes!
If you go to Madagascar, beware of mosquitoes!
I know someone who’s just come back from Tana.
(who has)
How is he?
He looks tired. He may be sick with yellow fever.
Practice dialogue above
MUST pour une obligation que l’on s’impose
I must help my friends if they need me.
HAVE TO pour une obligation imposée de l’extérieur.
I have to go to school until 18.
I have to fasten my safety-belt before landing.
NEED TO équivalent poli pour MUST et HAVE TO
MUST (une obligation que l’on s’impose)
send a postcard to my mother => I must remember to send a postcard to my mother.
(Je dois me rappeler d’envoyer une carte postale à ma mère.)
buy a new pen
do my homework
call Bob and Jacqueline
buy apples
buy bananas
 buy some milk
buy some chocolate
get dinner ready for Mum
return my school books
 buy some milk
buy some chocolate
do my homework
HAVE TO (obligation qui est imposée) (have got to , ‘ve got to, ’s got to en style familier)
feed the dogs => I’ve to (have to) feed the dogs..
feed the dogs
feed my lovebirds
water the flowers
make my bed
learn English words
feed my lovebirds
feed the dogs
water the flowers
make my bed
brush my teeth
help Mum cook dinner
NEED (plus distingué que have to ou must)
buy some milk and sugar =>We need to buy some milk and sugar.
Il faut que nous achetions du lait et du sucre.
buy some milk and sugar
buy some vegetables
buy some wine
buy some chocolate
call Bob and Jacqueline
wash the dogs
feed the cats
go shopping this afternoon
call Bob and Jacqueline
wash the dogs
feed the cats
go shopping this afternoon
Will you wash the dogs today? I don’t think it’s necessary for me to wash the dogs to day.
Will you wash the dogs today?
Will you feed the cats today?
Will you cook dinner today?
Will you wash the dogs today?
Will you buy bread today?
Will you buy milk today?
Will buy chocolate today?
Will you go shopping today?
Will you feed the cats today?
Will you wash the dogs today?
Exercices en ligne
Travail sur le livre de Seconde
Ne faire que :
List the difficulties Benjamin Franklin had to face in life.
He had to run away from home at age 17.
He …..
List his achievements. (ce qu’il a accompli, ses réalisations)
He invented swim flippers. (Il a inventé les palmes pour nager)
Lesson 3 - 8 &10 July 2020
Check homework
Check homework
List the difficulties Benjamin Franklin had to face in life.
He had to run away from home at age 17.
He …..
List his achievements. (ce qu’il a accompli, ses réalisations)
He invented swim flippers. (Il a inventé les palmes pour nager)
Review former session(S)
Last time’s short dialogue 1- Do you have a dog?
Translate read and practice
Do you have a dog?
I have two.
How often do you feed them?
I feed them twice a day.
I’ve two green lizards.
I can’t see them.
I can see one.
I can see both of them.
both = les deux ensemble
You know, I get them some coke every morning.
I can see you take good care of them.
I can see that you take good care of them.
have - feed fed fed- do did done - see saw seen - get got gotten - take took taken
(Revision) - Last time’s short dialogue 2 - Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
Translate then read then practice
to say I said said - to go I went gone - to come I came come - to look - to use
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
But they use them against mosquitoes!
If you go to Madagascar, beware of mosquitoes!
I know someone who’s just come back from Tana.
I know someone who has just come back from Tana.
How is he?
He looks tired. He may be sick with yellow fever.
Look up “sick” in dictionary
Listening comprehension: Short dialogue #1
JUST listen to a short dialogue online: Calling someone
Watch the short dialogue online again
Vocabulary + short dialogue: Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
give gave given - tell told told - work - call - ask - become became become
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Yes I did.
What did she tell you ?
She told me that Bob had given Jarai a new toy.
How is Bob?
He’s very busy. He works all day.
Can’t you ask him to have some rest?
can not
No way! He wants the farmhouse to become a palace!
Practice the dialogue above
Grammar point : Présent simple ou présent en BE + V-ing ?
Call François
Quand emploie-t-on le présent simple ? Le présent forme progressive ?
I brush my teeth every day but I’m not brushing my teeth right now.
translate the above sentence
brush my teeth
feed the cats
feed the dogs
feed my birds
call my friends
watch TV
read books
play in the garden
have dinner
eat snacks
Carnet de vocabulaire
Lesson 4 - Monday 13 July 2020
Check homework
Carnet vocabulaire
Check homework
Review former sessions(S)
Last time’s short dialogue 1- Do you have a dog?
Translate read and practice
Do you have a dog?
I have two.
How often do you feed them?
I feed them twice a day.
I’ve two green lizards.
I can’t see them.
I can see one.
I can see both of them.
I get them some coke every morning.
I can see (that) you take good care of them.
have feed do see get take
Last time’s short dialogue 2 - Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
to say I said said - to go I went gone - to come I came come - to look - to use
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
But they use them against mosquitoes!
If you go to Madagascar, beware of mosquitoes!
I know someone who’s (who has) just come back from Tana.
How is he?
He looks tired. He may be sick with yellow fever.
Last time’s short dialogue 3 - Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Yes I did.
What did she tell you ?
She told me that Bob had given Jarai a new toy.
How is Bob?
He’s very busy. He works all day.
Can’t you ask him to have some rest?
No way! He wants the farm to become a palace!
Listening comprehension: Have you ever been to France ?
Listen to a short dialogue online : stop the video if you miss a word.
Practice a dialogue in connection with the video
Have you ever been to London?
Yes, I have.
When were you in London?
I was in London last October.
What did you visit?
I visited the City.
Have you ever eaten fish and chips?
Yes, I’ve eaten fish and chips.
No, I have never eaten fish and chips.
Watch again the short dialogue online
Oihan Duolingo <=> Challenges for cities of the future
> 43” - Just write down 5 words you understand
Vocabulary in short text :
17 to give gave given 18 to tell told told 19 to work worked worked 20 to call called called 21 to try tried tried
Paul and Sandra work together
Paul and Sandra work together in the same bank.
Sandra calls customers.
She asks them if they need loans.
Paul tries to make the bank richer by investing in stocks.
Paul and Sandra have become good friends.They may become married.
Yesterday, Paul gave Sandra a nice present. She liked it.
She told Paul that she wanted to go to London over the weekend.
stocks = actions
Questions about this short text
Grammar point : Present perfect ou prétérit ? (le preterit est aussi appelé Simple past)
Faire travailler sur IK-English Simple past et Present perfect
faire les exercices en ligne
Have you visited Paris?
Yes, I have visited Paris.
No, I haven’t visited Paris.
visited Paris
visited London
visited Hong-Kong
visited Berlin
visited Madrid
visited Bidart
visited Cilaos
When did you visit Paris?
I visited Paris some years ago.
visited Paris
visited London
visited Hong-Kong
visited Berlin
visited Madrid
visited Bidart
visited Cilaos
Faire expliquer la différence entre visited et have visited ; quand emploie-t-on l’un et non l’autre temps ?
Exercises on line
Demander de l’aide si besoin
Carnet de vocabulaire
(Facultatif) Travail sur le livre de seconde
Essayer —ne pas insister si le lien bloque — de faire ce travail sur le livre de Seconde
Scroll down (faire défiler vers le bas) en lisant les explications et faire l’exercice ci-dessous :
Complète les phrases avec les mots qui conviennent. N’oublie pas de conjuguer les verbes.
to grow up fortune to struggle company wealthy entrepreneur childhood to succeed in to overcome fairy tale to found hope
a Madam C.J. Walker was an … and … becoming one of the first self-made women in the United States.
b Her life is like a … but before she became … , she had a lot to …
c She was an African-American woman born in 1867 in Delta, Louisiana. She was born free but she … in a poor family.
d During her … , both of her parents died.
e She … financially but she never lost …
f She … her own ….
g She made a … selling hair product for African American women: “Madam Walker’s Wonderful Hair Grower”.
a Madam C.J. Walker was an entrepreneur and succeeded in becoming one of the first self-made women in the United States.
b Her life is like a fairy tale but before she became wealthy , she had a lot to overcome.
c She was an African-American woman born in 1867 in Delta, Louisiana. She was born free but she grew up in a poor family.
d During her childhood , both of her parents died.
e She struggled financially but she never lost hope.
f She founded her own company.
g She made a fortune selling hair product for African American women: “Madam Walker’s Wonderful Hair Grower”.
L’exercice interactif plus bas est le même.
Lesson 5 - Wednesday 15+Friday 17 July 2020
Check homework
CarnetS de vocabulaire
Bien étudier et comprendre cette carte mentale :
On peut ouvrir ce tableau en ligne
Refaire les exercices suivants et noter le numéro des phrases s’il y a des problèmes :
Stopped here on Friday 17 July 2020
Explications : Past continuous (prétérit Vb+ing)
Past continuous (prétérit Vb+ing).
I was working when my friend called me.
Je travaillais quand mon amie m’a appelée.
They were gardening when I arrived.
Il jardinaient quand je suis arrivé.
It was just a few days before Christmas. Many people were shopping.
C’était juste avant Noël. Beaucoup de gens faisaient (leur shopping) =>leurs achats en bon français.
Father was washing the car while mother was cooking dinner.
Papa lavait la voiture tandis que Maman (cuisinait) =>préparait le dîner.
Le plus souvent on emploie le Past continuous pour une action en train de se faire quand une autre soudain a eu lieu. Il y a d’autres cas…
La formation du Past continuous :
+ Vb-ING
Listening comprehension - Challenges for cities of the future
Fill in the blanks
The paradigm has shifted.
The ……. is accelerating.
The science-fiction of ……. is rapidly ……. the science-fiction of right ……. .
……. do we withstand the tectonic shifts in the ……. around ……. ?
How does a ……. thrive when the world’s economy is undergoing constant disruption?
……. do you continue to ……. when ……. is moving at the speed of light ?
There are places that are ahead of the curve.
Cities building the tools for tomorrow
The paradigm has shifted.
The world is accelerating.
The science-fiction of yesterday is rapidly becoming the science fiction of right now.
How do we withstand the tectonic shifts in the world around us ?
How does a society thrive when the world’s economy is undergoing constant disruption?
How do you continue to learn when information is moving at the speed of light ?
There are places that are ahead of the curve.
Cities building the tools of tomorrow.
Vocabulary + short dialogue: Fed up with being locked down
Common verbs - faire traduire :
22 to ask asked asked 23 to need needed needed 24 to feel felt felt 25 to become became become 26 to leave left left 27 to put put put 28 to mean meant meant 29 to keep kept kept 30 to let let let
Faire traduire le dialogue : Fed up with being locked down.
Some Americans are fed up with being locked down. They want to go back to work.
Why not let people return to work?
I think they need to stay at home.
Does that mean that the economy is endangered?
Why do you ask this question?
Well, I feel it’s an important question.
Anyway, I hope the situation becomes better soon.
Yes, keep hope and don’t leave home without putting on your mask.
Grammar point : Simple past, Past continuous, Past perfect
Simple past, Past continuous, Past perfect
Expliquer, commenter les exemples :
I watched TV yesterday.
I was watching TV when my father called me.
He had already called me about an hour before.
Drill - Did you watch TV yesterday?
=> I was watching TV when my father called me.
Did you watch TV yesterday ?
Did you do your homework yesterday ?
Did you wash the dishes yesterday ?
Did you read a book yesterday ?
Did you work yesterday ?
Did you feed the dogs yesterday ?
Did you feed the cats yesterday ?
Did you cook dinner yesterday ?
Did you clean your room yesterday ?
Did you listen to music yesterday ?
Drill - So, you were watching TV yesterday when my father called you yesterday. => He had already called me about an hour before.
The same sentence will be repeated:”He had already called me about an hour before.”
So, you were watching TV yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were doing your homework yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were washing the dishes yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were reading a book yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were working yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were feeding the dogs yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were feeding cats yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were cooking dinner yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were cleaning your room yesterday when your father called you.
So, you were listening to music yesterday when your father called you.
Exercises on line
See this page on line :
Pour le Past perfect simple faire QUELQUES exercices parmi ceux listés ci-dessous :
Discarded (Laissés de côté)
Carnet de vocabulaire
Facultatif - Travail sur le livre de Seconde
Kylie Jenner
Some help
• antics des pitreries
• a billionaire un milliardaire
• a brand une marque
• a CEO un PDG
• fame la célébrité
• a head start un avantage sur les autres
• leverage le pouvoir d’influence
• a lipstick un rouge à lèvres
• makeup le maquillage
• to quibble over [sth]pinailler à propos de[qqch]
• to spin into [sth] transformer en [qqch]
• Once upon a time… Il était une fois…
REMEMBER Le prétérit simple
• On utilise le prétérit simple pour parler d’événements passés et révolus. C’est un temps utile pour écrire les biographies. She appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine.
• On forme le prétérit régulier en ajoutant -ed à la base verbale.
Read the article.
Kylie Jenner
Once upon a time, Kylie Jenner was just a teenager with an aptitude for makeup and a big dream.
Having “struggled for a minute with finding something to do on my own,” you know, back when she was still in high school, she keyed in on her love of beauty, feeling she could spin her $29 lip kits, simply a liner and matching lipstick, into a worldwide beauty empire that could rival the likes of Revlon and L’Oréal.
“I want to be as big as the other [cosmetic] brands,” she mused to Complex in 2016, not even a year after her first wave of products nearly broke the internet, to borrow a phrase from big sister Kim Kardashian. “It’s my dream to be on Forbes.”
Time to start reaching higher. Not only did the 20-year-old Kylie Cosmetics founder grace the cover of the revered business magazine this week, her likeness appeared next to a headline touting her as a “cosmetics queen” and predicting she’d become the youngest self-made billionaire. Ever. For reference, that’s a title once held by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and, currently, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.“The youngest self-made billionaire. Ever.”
Detractors were quick to quibble over the use of the term “self-made”. After all, thanks to the luck of genetics, she’s been part of the family business since the age of nine, building up her indomitable fanbase (at 111 million Instagram followers, she consistently ranks in the top 10 on the social media platform) thanks to her scene-stealing antics on a little-known reality show called Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Even Dictionary.com couldn’t resist poking fun at her undeniable head start by tweeting, “Self-made means having succeeded in life unaided.”
The Making of a billionaire: how Kylie Jenner Parlayed Her Makeup Talents Into a Unstoppable Empire, by Sarah Grossbart, Enews, 2018
a Put these events in the correct order and draw a timeline of her life.
▪ She appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine.
▪ She began using social media to build influence.
▪ Her business began to expand massively.
▪ She had the idea of her cosmetics business.
b What do we learn about her family?
c Is she really a self-made woman?
Lesson 6 - Friday 17 July 2020
Check homework/Review former sessions(S)
Check homework
He’s lost his watch.
I cannot find my watch. Where is it?
I don’t know.
I haven’t seen it for a long time.
I think it’s in your car.
I don’t think so.
You should go and see.
What will you do next week-end?
What will you do next week-end?
I want Mum to take us to the beach.
Because I feel tired. I need some rest.
Try to get more sleep.
That’s a good idea. I’ll try to follow your advice.
And treat yourself to something good.
Yes, that’s another good idea. I’ll make a chocolate cake.
Do you have a dog?
Do you have a dog?
I have two.
How often do you feed them?
I feed them twice a day.
I’ve two green lizards.
I can’t see them.
I can see one.
I can see both of them.
You know, I get them some coke every morning.
I can see (that) you take good care of them.
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
But they use them against mosquitoes!
If you go to Madagascar, beware of mosquitoes!
I know someone who’s just come back from Tana.
(who has)
How is he?
He looks tired. He may be sick with yellow fever.
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Yes I did.
What did she tell you ?
She told me that Bob had given Jarai a new toy.
How is Bob?
He’s very busy. He works all day.
Can’t you ask him to have some rest?
can not
No way! He wants the farmhouse to become a palace!
Have you ever been to London?
Have you ever been to London?
Yes, I have.
When were you in London?
I was in London last October.
What did you visit?
I visited the City.
Have you ever eaten fish and chips?
Yes, I’ve eaten fish and chips.
No, I have never eaten fish and chips.
Listening comprehension: audio clip
Listen to the audio clip
Write down the words you understand
Fill in the gaps
Text with gaps.
The paradigm has shifted.
The world is accelerating.
The science-fiction of yesterday is rapidly becoming the science fiction of right now.
How do we withstand the tectonic shifts in the world around us ?
How does a society thrive when the world’s economy is undergoing constant disruption?
How do you continue to learn when information is moving at the speed of light ?
There are places that are ahead of the curve.
Cities building the tools for tomorrow.
We want to create innovations that have a real world impacts. .
One day Singapore could be self-sustained in fuel option . We’re looking at the department of Singapore forty years ahead of time .
This Cities could be a model for what’s to come .
This is the Cities of the future . Singapore.
The future of the world lies in its urban environments.
More than half the world ’s population live in Cities .
And that number is growing.
This rapid influx of people creates possibility but it also creates challenges.
How can the Cities of today grow and thrive to become the places we want to live in tomorrow ?
Creating sustainable manageable human spaces in the world’s ever expanding Cities is a challenge facing government across the globe.
The paradigm has shifted.
The world is accelerating.
The science-fiction of yesterday is rapidly becoming the science fiction of right now.
How do we withstand the tectonic shifts in the world around us ?
How does a society thrive when the world’s economy is undergoing constant disruption?
How do you continue to learn when information is moving at the speed of light ?
There are places that are ahead of the curve.
Cities building the tools for tomorrow.
We want to create innovations that have a real world impact.
One day Singapore could be self-sustained in fuel production. We’re looking at the development of Singapore forty years ahead of time.
This city could be a model for what’s to come.
This is the city of the future. Singapore.
The future of the world lies in its urban environments.
More than half the world’s population live in cities.
And that number is growing.
This rapid influx of people creates possibility but it also creates challenges.
How can the cities of today grow and thrive to become the places we want to live in tomorrow.
Creating sustainable manageable human spaces in the world’s ever expanding cities is a challenge facing governments across the globe.
Watch again the short dialogue online
Vocabulary + short dialogue: Turn it on!
Common verbs => dialogue
1 to begin began begun 2 to seem seemed seemed 3 to help helped helped 4 to talk talked talked 5 to turn turned turned 6 to start started started 7 to show showed shown
Short dialogue - Turn it on!
Can you show me how to start this computer?
Yes, I’m happy to help you. Turn it on!
I think I begin to understand how it works, but I don’t know how to start it.
Turn it on!
It seems to me that this machine is going to talk to us.
I can show you how to make it talk to you.
No way! I talk to humans! But I thank you for letting me use it.
Grammar point : drills - CAN MAY MUST
CAN MAY MUST - Probabilité - Obligation - Conseil - Permission
Explorer, comprendre, s’approprier ce tableau
En ligne
Double-cliquer l’image ci-dessous pour l’afficher dans “Aperçu”.
Appliquer ce tableau aux phrases ci-dessous :
Il faut que je range ma chambre.
Les gens devraient manger moins.(eat less)
Bob doit être en train de prendre son petit déjeuner. C’est son heure.
Oihan peut jouer au solitaire.
Je dois aider mon frère quand il a un problème.
Les gens doivent boucler leur ceinture quand ils conduisent. (fasten their belts)
Jacqueline sait faire la confiture.
Ted sait surfer.
Djarai a assez de force et de ruse pour ouvrir la porte de la maison de la ferme.
Il se peut qu’il pleuve ce soir, il l’ont dit à la télé.
Il porte un kilt. Il doit être écossais.
C’est impossible ! Je n’y crois pas. Ce doit être un canular.(a hoax)
Traduire sur le champ
Je peux parler anglais. (speak English)
Je peux préparer le dîner. (cook dinner)
Il faut que je range ma chambre. (tidy up my room)
Il devrait arrêter de fumer. (stop smoking)
Il est retard (to be late). Il doit être malade. (be sick)
Il est retard (to be late). Il se peut qu’il soit malade. (be sick)
Je dois apprendre des mots d’anglais tous les jours (learn English words every day).
Puis-je ouvrir la fenêtre? (open the window)
Tu dois le faire pour moi. (do it for me)
Vous devez boucler votre ceinture avant l’atterrissage. (fasten your safety belt)
Elle a un collier de diamants : elle doit être riche. (to have a diamond necklace) (be rich)
Vocabulary notebookS
Exercises on line
Attention : contrairement à ce qui est écrit en noir, ne pas essayer de mettre le present continuous , mais bien should ou shouldn’t
Lesson 7 - Monday 20 July 2020
Oralement :
UTILISER l’arbre du tableau ad hoc pour traduire ces phrases :
Je peux parler anglais. (speak English)
Je peux préparer le dîner. (cook dinner)
Il faut que je range ma chambre. (la barbe !) (tidy up my room)
Il devrait arrêter de fumer. (stop smoking)
Il doit être malade parce qu’il est retard. (be sick) (to be late)
Il est retard (to be late). Il se peut qu’il soit malade. (be sick)
Je dois apprendre des mots d’anglais tous les jours (learn English words every day).
Puis-je ouvrir la fenêtre? (open the window)
Tu dois le faire pour moi. (do it for me)
Vous devez boucler votre ceinture avant l’atterrissage. (fasten your safety belt before landing)
Elle a un collier de diamants : elle doit être riche. (to have a diamond necklace) (be rich)
Traduction orale immédiate
QUEL TEMPS? (Utiliser le tableau)
J’ai visité Madrid.
J’ai visité Madrid l’an dernier. (last year)
Je visite Madrid tous les ans. (every year)
Je fais un exercice. (to do an exercise)
Nous faisons souvent des exercices. (to do exercises)
Je nourris les chiens tous les jours.
Nous regardons la télé le soir. (to watch TV in the evening)
J’ai préparé le dîner hier soir. (to cook dinner) (last night)
J’ai reçu mes livres de classe il y a deux heures. (to get my textbooks) (to get I got got) (two hours ago) (et surtout pas “there are”)
Nous regarderons la télé ce soir. (tonight)
Nous sommes allés à Mafate la semaine dernière. (to go I went gone) (last week)
Un vaccin est sur le point d’être fabriqué au Kenya. (a vaccine) (to be made in Kenya)
Hier, John et Barbara jouaient dans leur (their) chambre quand leur père les a appelés. (to call)
Je vais appeler ma mère.
Les Italiens boivent beaucoup de café. (Italians pas de “the”) (a lot of coffee)
Traduction orale immédiate
Do the same exercises on line:
Review vocabulary notebooks (homework)
New common verbs in a short text + Questions & answers
to hear I heard heard - to play I played played - to run I ran run - to move I moved moved - to like I liked liked - to live I lived lived - to believe I believed believed - to hold I held held
Short text:
As he was running along the beach yesterday, John heard someone call him. It was Bill. Bill was holding his camera. He told John not to move. He said: “Don’t move, John.” He took a picture of John. John doesn’t like people taking pictures of him.
John and Bill are friends. They live in a small town by the sea. They often play games on the beach. Both of them like surfing. They believe sharks will not attack them. I believe they’re stupid.
Questions about the text
Rehearse former dialogues
Short dialogue - Turn it on!
Can you show me how to start this computer?
Yes, I’m happy to help you. Turn it on!
I think I begin to understand how it works, but I don’t know how to start it.
Turn it on!
It seems to me that this machine is going to talk to us.
I can show you how to make it talk to you.
No way! I talk to humans! But I thank you for letting me use it.
He’s lost his watch.
I cannot find my watch. Where is it?
I don’t know.
I haven’t seen it for a long time.
I think it’s in your car.
I don’t think so.
You should go and see.
What will you do next week-end?
What will you do next week-end?
I want Mum to take us to the beach.
Because I feel tired. I need some rest.
Try to get more sleep.
That’s a good idea. I’ll try to follow your advice.
And treat yourself to something good.
Yes, that’s another good idea. I’ll make a chocolate cake.
Do you have a dog?
Do you have a dog?
I have two.
How often do you feed them?
I feed them twice a day.
I’ve two green lizards.
I can’t see them.
I can see one.
I can see both of them.
You know, I get them some coke every morning.
I can see (that) you take good care of them.
Done up to here on Monday 27 July 2020
envoyé par mail lundi soir
Réviser le carnet de vocabulaire jan et rouge, et les pages 1 et 2 de celui de Bob
APRES avoir bien révisé les tableaux, refaire ces exercices :
S’entraîner sur cet exercice sur iPhone
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
But they use them against mosquitoes!
By the way, if you go to Madagascar, beware of mosquitoes!
I know someone who’s just come back from Tana.
(who has)
How is he?
He looks tired. He may be sick with yellow fever.
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Yes I did.
What did she tell you ?
She told me that Bob had given Jarai a new toy.
How is Bob?
He’s very busy. He works all day.
Can’t you ask him to have some rest?
can not
No way! He wants the farmhouse to become a palace!
Have you ever been to London?
Have you ever been to London?
Yes, I have.
When were you in London?
I was in London last October.
What did you visit?
I visited the City.
Have you ever eaten fish and chips in London?
Yes, I’ve eaten fish and chips.
No, I have never eaten fish and chips.
Listening comprehension : NSPCC: The role of parents in supporting children and young people in sport
Listen to the clip several time and write down words you can understand.
Try to define what the topic is, what this woman is talking about…
Wednesday 29 July 2020
Homework for next time (Thursday morning)
(Toutes les leçons sur internet ici :)
Sur le carnet de vocabulaire, recopier les exemples avec leur traduction donnés sur cette page
Faire ces exercices sur les fondamentaux (CAN MAY MUST SHOULD et les TEMPS)
Faire sur ordinateur.
Les TEMPS en utilisant le tableau
Mon père a acheté une voiture neuve.
Il l’a achetée il y a une semaine. (a week ago) (surtout pas “there is”)
Il la lave tous les jours.
Hier, il lavait sa voiture neuve quand il a commencé to start) à pleuvoir.
Regarde, il est en train de la laver.
Je vais lui dire que sa voiture est nickel (spotless) et qu’il devrait arrêter (to stop +ing) de gaspiller (to waste) l’eau.
Dimanche dernier, il n’avait pas encore (no yet) lavé sa voiture quand sa belle mère (stepmother) est arrivée.
Ma mère n’arrête pas (to keep + ing) de dire qu’elle n’achètera pas un autre voiture.
Les cambrioleurs (burglars ) s’étaient échappés (to escape conjugué avec to have, pas to be) quand la police est arrivée.
CAN MAY MIGHT MUST SHOULD en utilisant le tableau. Ne pas employer de formes contractées.
Un voyageur peut importer plus de deux bouteilles de vin aux Etats-Unis pour sa consommation personnelle.
La valise (suitcase ) est trop lourde. Elle ne peut pas la soulever (to lift).
Tu devrais fermer ta voiture à clé.
Est-ce que Dieu peut créer un rocher si lourd qu’il ne puisse le soulever ?
Regarde! Ce passager porte une chemise à fleur (floral shirt), il boit du Bourbon. Il doit être américain (majuscule à American).
Un vaccin pourrait vite (quickly) arriver sur le marché. (Sous-entendu, c’est très improbable).
Il se peut que les écoles (pas de the) ouvrent en septembre. (= (Il y a une chance pour que…)
Les jeunes (young people) doivent respecter les vieux (the elderly).
C’est une impasse (deadend). Il faut nous en retourner.
Essayer de terminer le décryptage de
Fill in the gaps :
Part 1
Parents play an absolutely critical role within youth sport and particularly in the earliest stages so joining childhood and enter earlier adolescence but their impact really is apparent throughout the career of a young athlete and the reason that they're so important is that they provide young people with the emotional support that they …… when they are competing, when they're …… about winning and losing and sports personship. They're really …… as role models so when parents… are active themselves and …… they …… in sport and they react positively to …… and …… and they …… to a high standard or a recreational standard their …… see that. So children obviously copy the sort of behaviors their …… demonstrate.
Part 2
Similarly the way that ……. behave ….. they're at …………. plays a really really ………… role in ……..ing children to ……………. what they ………… do and ………….. they …………… behave and then finally ………… play a very very important …….. in help……. …………. to interpret their experiences so through the comments that parents ……….. through the support that they …………. through the guidance they …………….. they …………… children to …………………. what it …………………… to participate in sport and how best to respond in …………….. situations.
Lesson 8 - Thursday 6 August 2020
Check homework
Vocabulary on notebooks
Exercise on tenses
Exercise on modals
Homework for Friday 7 August 220
Lien vers toutes les leçons sur l’Internet
Carnets de vocabulaire
Exercice sur les temps (en utilisant le tableau) à faire sur cahier.
Je fais un exercice. (to do an exercise) Passé ? Présent ? Quel temps ? Quel présent ? Comment se forme-t-il ?
J’ai fait trois exercises hier. (Passé ? Présent ? Lequel? ……) (to do, I do au présent simple, I did an exercise prétérit simple - done participe passé I have done)
J’ai fait beaucoup d’exercices. (Passé ? Présent ? ……) (to do, I do au présent simple, I did an exercise prétérit simple - done participe passé I have done)
J’étais en train de faire un exercice quand Bob a appelé hier.
J’avais fini mon exercice quand Caroline est rentrée hier. (to finish, régulier) (to come back home. to come I came come)
Je vais boire un verre d’eau. (to drink a glass of water)
Je ferai un exercice demain.
Les gens devraient conduire plus prudemment (to drive more carefully).
Il se pourrait qu’il pleuve demain. ( mais c’est très peu probable. - ne pas traduire cette précision).
Il se peut qu’il pleuve la semaine prochaine. (C’est probable d’après la météo. - ne pas traduire cette précision )
Les gens doivent porter des masques dans les magasins. (to wear masks inside stores) (même si cela leur déplaît.)
Je dois respecter les vieux. (to respect the elderly)
Je peux marcher deux jours de suite dans Mafate. (to walk two days in a row in Mafate)
Rappel : pas de “to” après CAN MAY MIGHT MUST SHOULD WILL…..
Lesson 9 - Friday 7 August 2020
Check homework
Grammar = Vb => Vb —ing
Check vocabulary notebook (homework)
Read this:
Lire les explications
Faire quelques exercices indiqués en bas page.
Vocabulary (resume)
to bring brought brought to happen happened happened to write wrote written to provide provided provided to sit sat sat
Questions and answers about a short text
Translate a short text
Sandra always felt sad because she had no one to play with. She had written a letter to Santa Claus asking him to bring her a little cat.
But one day her father brought her a little dog. It happened on a cold winter day just before Christmas.
Sandra’s uncle provided a dog house for the little dog. She called the dog Toby. She loves her little dog.
Toby prefers sitting on the sofa to sleeping in his dog house.
Rehearse former dialogues
Short dialogue - Turn it on!
Can you show me how to start this computer?
Yes, I’m happy to help you. Turn it on!
I think I begin to understand how it works, but I don’t know how to start it.
Turn it on!
It seems to me that this machine is going to talk to us.
I can show you how to make it talk to you.
No way! I talk to humans! But I thank you for letting me use it.
He’s lost his watch.
I cannot find my watch. Where is it?
I don’t know.
I haven’t seen it for a long time.
I think it’s in your car.
I don’t think so.
You should go and see.
What will you do next week-end?
What will you do next week-end?
I want Mum to take us to the beach.
Because I feel tired. I need some rest.
Try to get more sleep.
That’s a good idea. I’ll try to follow your advice.
And treat yourself to something good.
Yes, that’s another good idea. I’ll make a chocolate cake.
Do you have a dog?
Do you have a dog?
I have two.
How often do you feed them?
I feed them twice a day.
I’ve two green lizards.
I can’t see them.
I can see one.
I can see both of them.
You know, I get them some coke every morning.
I can see (that) you take good care of them.
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
But they use them against mosquitoes!
If you go to Madagascar, beware of mosquitoes!
I know someone who’s just come back from Tana.
(who has)
How is he?
He looks tired. He may be sick with yellow fever.
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Yes I did.
What did she tell you ?
She told me that Bob had given Jarai a new toy.
How is Bob?
He’s very busy. He works all day.
Can’t you ask him to have some rest?
can not
No way! He wants the farmhouse to become a palace!
Have you ever been to London?
Have you ever been to London?
Yes, I have.
When were you in London?
I was in London last October.
What did you visit?
I visited the City.
Have you ever eaten fish and chips?
Yes, I’ve eaten fish and chips.
No, I have never eaten fish and chips.
Lesson 10 - Wednesday 12 August 2020
Check homework
Réviser et avance au maximum dans les carnets de vocabulaire
Révision : faire SUR CAHIER l’exercice suivant :
1. J’ai visité Madrid.
2. J’ai visité Madrid l’an dernier. (last year)
3. Je visite Madrid tous les ans. (every year)
4. Je fais un exercice. (to do an exercise)
5. Nous faisons souvent des exercices. (to do exercises)
6. Je nourris les chiens tous les jours.
7. Nous regardons la télé le soir. (to watch TV in te evening)
8. J’ai préparé le dîner hier soir. (to cook dinner) (last night)
9. J’ai reçu mes livres de classe il y a deux heures. (to get my textbooks) (to get I got got) (two hours ago) (et surtout pas “there are”)
10. Nous regarderons la télé ce soir. (tonight)
11. Nous sommes allés à Mafate la semaine dernière. (to go I went gone) (last week)
12. Un vaccin est sur le point d’être fabriqué au Kenya. (a vaccine) (to be made in Kenya)
13. Hier, John et Barbara jouaient dans leur chambre quand leur père les a appelés. (to call)
14. Je vais appeler ma mère.
15. Les Italiens boivent beaucoup de café. (Italians pas de “the”) (a lot of coffee)
Grammar: WOULD - Conditionnel (reprise)
Traduire ces phrases :
If you heat ice, it melts. (to heat. = chauffer) (ice <= ice cream) = ???
If it rains, grass gets wet.
If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the train.
If it rains today, you will get wet.
If you went to bed earlier, you would not be tired.
If it rained, you would get wet.
If I spoke German, I would work in Germany.
If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.
If it had rained, you would have gotten wet.
If I had accepted that promotion I would have been working in Milan.
Comprendre l’emploi des temps dans ces phrases :
Toutes ces phrases commencent par quelle conjonction ?
Que pose cette conjonction? Une condition, une suggestion, une exclamation?
Si le temps après if est un simple present, quel est le temps dans la proposition principale ? (Deux possibilités : 1- loi générale 2 - ???)
Si le temps après if est le prétérit, quel est le modal utilisé dans la proposition principale ?
De quoi le modal WOULD est-il suivi?
Comment forme-t-on le conditionnel présent en anglais ?
If I had more time I would learn Chinese.
Learn Chinese
Learn Italian
Travel around the world
Practice golf
Learn Kung Fu
Train for tennis
Train for hang gliding
Train for scuba diving
If it rains next Sunday I will stay at home.
Read a book
Read a novel
Tidy up my room
Call my grandparents
Bake an apple pie
Watch a movie
Help Mum cook lunch
Visit my friends
Play video games
Do my English exercises
Review my English lessons
Surf the internet
1. Si j’avais de l’argent, je voyagerais autour du monde.
If I had money I would travel around the world.
2. Si j’avais assez de temps, je pratiquerais le yoga.
If I had enough time, I would practice yoga.
3. S’il avait plus d’amis, il serait plus heureux.
If he had more friends, he would be happier.
4. Si tu venais, nous jouerions à des jeux video.
If you came, we would play video games.
5. Si tu viens, nous jouerons à des jeux vidéo.
If you come, we will play video games.
6. S’il pleut, nous irons au cinéma.
If it rains, we will go to the cinema.
7. Si nous louons un van (to rent a van), nous aurons la possibilité (to be able to) d’aller à Londres ensemble.
If we rent a van, we will be able to go to London together.
8. Si nous louions un van , nous pourrions tous aller à Londres.
If we rented a van, we would be able to go to London together.
9. Si les gens se rendent compte (to realize) que l’économie est bâtie (is built) sur la surconsommation (over consumption) ils arrêteront d’acheter des trucs clinquants qui viennent de sortir (new flashy stuff).
If people realize the economy is built on over consumption they will stop buying new flashy stuff.
10. Si les gens s’arrêtaient d’acheter des trucs clinquants qui viennent de sortir (new flashy stuff) l’économie s’effondrerait (to collapse).
If people stopped buying new flashy stuff the economy would collapse.
Listening comprehension :
Listen to the clip several times and write down words you can understand.
Fill in the gaps :
Similarly the way that ……. behave when they're at ……. plays a really really ……. role in helping ……. to ……. what they ……. do and how they can behave and then finally ……. play a very very ……. role in helping children to interpret their experiences so through the comments that ……. ……. through the support that they provide, through the guidance they ……., they help children to understand what it ……. to participate in ……. and how best to respond in ……. situations.
Similarly the way that parents behave when they're at competitions plays a really really important role in helping children to understand what they should do and how they can behave and then finally parents play a very very important role in helping children to interpret their experiences so through the comments that parents make through the support that they provide through the guidance they give they help children to understand what it means to participate in sport and how best to respond in different situations.
Resume here
Rehearsing short dialogues
Questions and answers
Society’s emphasis on individuality leaves us isolated and vulnerable.
Listen and try to understand what this extract is about.
For the past few decades, society has become increasingly focused on the individual.
Pendant les quelques décennies passées, la société est devenue de plus en plus (to increase = augmenter) focalisée sur l’individu.
This shift is reflected all over our culture, even in our pop music.
Ce changement [est reflété] se retrouve dans toute notre culture, même dans la pop music.
Our lifestyles have changed, too.
Nos styles de vie ont changé également.
These days, people live more solitary lives.
[Ces jours-ci] De nos jours, les gens vient des vies plus solitaires.
They marry later, have fewer children, and join fewer social groups than in the past.
Il se marient plus tard, ont moins d’enfants, et rejoignent moins de groupes sociaux que dans le passé.
In the United States, the percentage of people living alone has doubled in just 50 years.
Aux Etats-Unis, le pourcentage de gens vivant seul a doublé au cours en juste 50 ans.
In large cities, nearly half of all people live on their own.
Dans les grandes villes près de la moitié des gens vivent en solitaires.
This shift toward individuality has left us lonelier, which can have dire consequences.
Ce changement vers l’individualité nous a laissé plus solitaires, CE QUI (which) a des conséquences dramatiques.
For one, chronic loneliness has serious health implications.
D’une part, la solitude chronique a de sérieuses implications sur la santé.
Research has linked feeling alone to higher stress levels and reduced immune system response.
La recherche a établi le lien entre se sentir seul entre des niveaux de stress plus élevés et une réponse réduite du système immunitaire.
Lesson 11 - Friday 14th August 2020
Vocabulary on notebooks
Vocabulary + short dialogue
Common verbs => dialogue
to stand stood stood - to stand by = attendre, prêt à intervenir
to lose lost lost
to pay paid paid (to pay, I pay, I paid, I have paid, I haD paid)
to meet met met (to meet, I meet, I met, I have met, I haD met)
to include included included
to continue continued continued
to set set set (placer, fixer, régler, mettre en place…)
to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned
to change changed changed (to change I change I changed I have changed)
How do you do your homework?
I set my textbooks on my desk and start learning my lessons.
Do you keep your smartphone standing by?
Well, I admit keeping my smartphone standing by.
Do you happen to lose your keys?
I’ve never lost my keys!
How much would you pay to meet the Queen’s double?
I would not pay a penny to meet the Queen herself.
Are you sure?
Quite sure.
Do you sometimes change your mind?
I hardly ever change my mind.
John has been working for [ten minutes].
two hours
ten hours
two minutes
twenty minutes
three hours
John has been [working in the garage ] for ten minutes.
working in the garden
painting the walls
cooking dinner
washing the dog
washing his car
watching TV
reading a novel
playing video games
learning Chinese
watering the flowers
John [migrated to Australia] ten years ago.
met his wife
married Sandra
had his first child
lost his father
bought this car
bought this cottage
got his job
went to New Zealand
started learning Chinese
Retenir simplement
for + un intervalle, un segment de temps écoulé (la barre du f de for et comme un segment de temps)
I have been learning English for 4 years;
since + le point de départ de l’action (le point du i de since)
I have been learning English since 2016.
I have been working since 8 o’clock this morning.
un intervalle de temps écoulé + ago (la boucle du Pasted_Graphic de ago renvoie dans le passé)
I started learning English four years ago.
Traduire instantanément:
depuis/pendant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 ans
for 1 year, for two years
J’apprends l’anglais depuis quatre ans.
I have been learning English for four years
I have learned English for four years.
depuis 6,7,8,9, heures ce matin.
since 6 o’clock
depuis 2001
since twenty o one
depuis 2012
since twenty twelve
Il y a 1,2,3 ….. ans
1,2,3,….. years ago
Exercice Livecode
Moving Button 5
Listening comprehension
(send an e-mail)
Vocabulary notebooks
Exercise FOR SINCE AGO on Google
Liste magique
Lesson 12 Wednesday 26 August 2020
Check homework: vocabulary notebooks
Review short dialogues
Grammar : practice magic sheet
Listening comprehension: audio clip
Leonardo DiCaprio Makes Climate Change Speech at UN: “No More Talk, No More Excuses”
Listen several times to the audio clip; take notes.
Start at 1’00
What is this document about?
Fill out the gaps (start at 1’00”)
As a UN messenger of ——peace—— I've traveled all over the wolrd for the last two —years—— documenting how this crisis is changing the natural balance of our —planet—— .
I’ve seen —cities— like Beijing choked by industrial —pollution— , ancient boreal forest in Canada— that have been clear cut and rainforests in Indonesia that have been incinerated.
In India I’ve met —farmers— whose crops have been literally washed away by historic flooding.
In America I’ve witnessed unprecedented droughts in —California— and —sea— level rise flooding the streets of —Miami— .
In Greenland and in the Arctic I was astonished to see that ancient —glacier— are rapidly disappearing well ahead of —aside— predictions.
All that I’ve seen and learned on my journey has absolutely ———————— me.
There is no doubt in the ———————— scientific community that this is a direct result of ———————— activity and the effects of ———————— change will ———————— astronomically worse in the future.
Our ———————— cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuel's in the ground where they belong.
Now think about the shame that each of us will carry when our ———————— and grandchildren look back and realize that ———————— had the means of ———————— this devastation and simply lacked the political will to ———————— so.
Yes, we’ve achieved the Paris agreement. More ———————— have come here together to sign this agreement ———————— than for any other cause in the ———————— of humankind. And that’s a reason for ———————— . But unfortunately the evidence ———————— us that ———————— not be enough.
A massive change is required right now, one that leads to a new collective consciousness a new collective evolution of the ———————— race, inspired and enabled by a sense of urgency from all of ———————— .
We can congratulate each other ———————— .
But it will mean absolutely nothing if you return to your ———————— and fail to push beyond the promises of this historic ———————— .
Now is the ———————— for bold action. It’s ———————— to declare no more talk, no more excuses, no more ten-year studies, no more allowing the fossil fuel ———————— to manipulate and dictate the science and policies that affect our ———————— .
The ———————— is now ———————— . You'll either be lauded by future generations or vilified by them. You are the last best ———————— of earth. We ask you to ———————— it or ———————— and all living things we cherish are history.
As a UN messenger of peace I've traveled all over the world for the last two years documenting how this crisis is changing the natural balance of our planet.
I’ve seen cities like Beijing choked by industrial pollution, ancient boreal forest in Canada that have been clear cut and rainforests in Indonesia that have been incinerated.
In India I’ve met farmers whose crops have been literally washed away by historic flooding.
In America I’ve witenessed unprecedented droughts in California and sea level rise flooding the streets of Miami
In Greenland and in the Arctic I was astonished to see that ancient glaciers are rapidly disappearing well ahead of scientific predictions.
All that I’ve seen and learned on my journey has absolutely terrified me.
There is no doubt in the world scientific community that this is a direct result of human activity and the effects of climate change will become astronomically worse in the future.
Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuel's in the ground where they belong.
Now think about the shame that each of us will carry when our children and grandchildren look back and realize that we had the means of stopping this devastation and simply lacked the political will to do so.
Yes, we’ve achieved the paris agreement. More countries have come here together to sign this agreement today than for any other cause in the history of humankind. And that’s a reason for hope. But unfortunately the evidence shows us that will not be enough.
A massive change is required right now., one that leads to a new collective consciousness a new collective evolution of the human race, inspired and enabled by a sense of urgency from all of you.
We can congratulate each other today.
But it will mean absolutely nothing if you return to your countries and fail to push beyond the promises of this historic agreement.
Now is the time for bold action. It’s time to declare no more talk, no more excuses, no more ten-year studies, no more allowing the fossil fuel companies to manipulate and dictate the science and policies that affect our future.
The world is now watching. You'll either be lauded by future generations or vilified by them. You are the last best hope of earth. We ask you to protect it or we and all living things we cherish are history.
Lesson 13 - Wednesday 2 September 2020
Check homework
Vocabulary + short dialogue
Common verbs
to lead led led (mener - cf. un leader)
to understand understood understood
to watch watched watched
to follow (suivre) followed
to stop stopped stopped
to create created created
to speak speak I speak I spoke I’ve spoken - Do you speak English?
to tell tell I tell I told I’ve told - I told the kids a story.
to talk I talked to her yesterday.
to read read read
to allow (autoriser, donner la permission, permettre, rendre possible) allowed allowed
Practice short dialogues => Where does this trail lead to?
Voix passive au présent simple
Listening comprehension
Listen and write down key words
Fill in the gaps
Ask for the French of unknown words
2’38” - Denver authorities say —— agers must be held accountable for their behavior but recognize it’s —— —— to strike a balance :”We take the cases involving juveniles very ——. We’re very much aware of the lasting implications of —— involved in the criminal justice system on our —— ——.” As for Ashantee the charges against —— were dropped. —— officials involved in her incident left the —— soon after. “ I —— —— —— the —— needed to be involved with this. As far as I —— it was a —— matter. As this video shows there are other reasons to make a “call the police” a school’s last resource. —— students may also be at —— of physical injury along with —— ones. Hendrix Subrendy, cccTV Denver
2’38” - Denver authorities say teen agers must be held accountable for their behavior but recognize it’s alos important to strike a balance :”We take the cases involving juveniles very seriously. We’re very much aware of the lasting implications of being involved in the criminal justice system on our young people.” As for Ashantee the charges against her were dropped. Two officials involved in her incident left the school soon after. “ I didn’t know why the police needed to be involved with this. As far as I knew it was a school matter. As this video shows there are other reasons to make a “call the police” a school’s last resource. American students may also be at risk of physical injury along with psychological ones.Hendrix Subrendy, cccTV Denver
Lesson 14 - Wednesday 9 cancelled Thursday 24 spoke English 30 September 2020
Any question or need ?
Today’s lesson plan
Vocabulary revision
vocab. notebook ? Bob’s?
Practice dialogues
The American Dream
The American Dream / Is the concept of a self-made man myth or reality?
Faire traduire :
I strongly believe that the concept of the self-made man is a myth because
of the current rise in economic inequality.
of the decline in education
not everybody is equally gifted.
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Technology destroys access to employment.
Equality of opportunities is a myth.
The American Dream is to achieve success by hard work and ingenuity.
I strongly believe in the American Dream because
anyone can attain success if they work hard.
anyone can attain success if they show ingenuity.
anyone can attain success if they make efforts.
anyone can achieve the American Dream by hard work.
anyone can achieve the American Dream by ingenuity.
Dialogue practice
Do you believe in the American Dream?
Yes, I do. I strongly believe in the American Dream.
What is the American Dream for you?
The American Dream is to achieve success by hard work and ingenuity.
This is the definition of the concept of a self-made man.
So what? It’s the same idea.
Do you really believe that anyone can achieve the American Dream?
Yes, I strongly believe that anyone can achieve the American Dream.
By hard work and ingenuity.
But not not everybody is equally gifted.
So what?
It means that equality of opportunities does not exist.
Everybody is given a chance in life.
Really? Equality of opportunities is a myth.
I don’t agree with you. Equality of opportunities is not a myth.
Anyway, chance* is not enough!
Anyone can attain success if they work hard.
On condition that they have a job.
So what? Anyone can get a job!
That’s not true. Technology destroys access to employment.
I don’t agree with you. Technology does not destroy access to employment. It creates new jobs.
You are too optimistic.
Anyway, I strongly believe in the American Dream.
Listening comprehension
Listen and write down key words
Fill in the gaps
Ask for the French of unknown words
2’38” - Denver authorities say —— agers must be held accountable for their behavior but recognize it’s —— —— to strike a balance :”We take the cases involving juveniles very ——. We’re very much aware of the lasting implications of —— involved in the criminal justice system on our —— ——.” As for Ashantee the charges against —— were dropped. —— officials involved in her incident left the —— soon after. “ I —— —— —— the —— needed to be involved with this. As far as I —— it was a —— matter. As this video shows there are other reasons to make a “call the police” a school’s last resource. —— students may also be at —— of physical injury along with —— ones. Hendrix Subrendy, cccTV Denver
2’38” - Denver authorities say teen agers must be held accountable for their behavior but recognize it’s alos important to strike a balance :”We take the cases involving juveniles very seriously. We’re very much aware of the lasting implications of being involved in the criminal justice system on our young people.” As for Ashantee the charges against her were dropped. Two officials involved in her incident left the school soon after. “ I didn’t know why the police needed to be involved with this. As far as I knew it was a school matter. As this video shows there are other reasons to make a “call the police” a school’s last resource. American students may also be at risk of physical injury along with psychological ones.Hendrix Subrendy, cccTV Denver
Voix passive au présent simple : ce qu’il faut savoir
Lesson 15 - Wednesday 7th October 2020
Today’s lesson plan
Short dialogues <=> supposition/probabilité/spéculation
Where are the dogs?
Where are the dogs? I can’t see them.
They should be outside in the garden. Where else?
No, I can’t see them.
They might be upstairs.
They can’t be upstairs!
Well then, they may have gone away.
Will you study abroad some day?
Will you study abroad one day?
Well, I’m not sure. I may go to France or Canada.
What about studying in the United States?
I might go to the United States if I have to.
How would you like moving abroad for a year or two?
Well, I AGREE THAT working abroad may prove rewarding. (s’avérer enrichissant)
Why ?
Working abroad would allow me to open up to a new culture.
Aren’t you afraid of being taken out of your comfort zone?
Of course moving abroad means that sometimes I will feel homesick.
Speculation (la supposition)
Rappel des bases
Quelles sont les phrases que tu as retenues de la carte heuristique ?
Traduction immédiate :
D’abord lire et justifier les traductions
Cette route devrait nous conduire à Tan Rouge.
Il doit être malade. (Il tousse, il a de la fièvre, …)
• He must be ill.
Cette route devrait nous conduire à Tan Rouge.
• This road should take us to Tan Rouge.
Il est peut-être irlandais.
• He may be Irish.
l se pourrait qu’elle vienne d’Angleterre.
• She could be from England.
Ça pourrait être un Russe, mais c'est peu probable.
• He might be a Russian.
Il a dû manqué son bus (c’est la seule explication).
• He must have missed his bus.
Il a peut-être manqué son bus.
• He may have missed his bus.
Il a peut-être manqué son bus, mais c'est peu probable.
• He might have missed his bus.
Translate into English:
Il se pourrait qu’elle vienne d’Angleterre. (Commencer la traduction par She… )
She could be from England
Il doit être un grand chef. Son nom est dans le guide Michelin. (He….)
He must be a chef. His name is in the Michelin guide.
Il ne peut pas être policier. Il ne porte pas d’uniforme.
He can’t be a policeman. He isn’t wearing a uniform.
Barbara travaille tous les jours de 9 heures à 17 heures. Là il est 10h30, donc elle doit être au travail.
Barbara works every day from 9 AM to 5 PM. Right now it’s 10:30 AM, so …
she must be at work.
Barbara travaille tous les jours de 9 heures à 17 heures. Là il est 10h30, normalement elle doit être au travail.
Barbara works every day from 9 AM to 5 PM. Right now it’s 10:30 AM, so….
she should be at work.
Sandra travaille tous les jours de 9 heures à 17 heures. Là il est 10h30, donc elle ne peut pas être chez elle.
Sandra works every day from 9 AM to 5 PM. Right now it’s 10:30 AM, so
she can’t be at home.
Bill ne peut pas être végétarien. Il mange un hamburger.
Bill can’t be a vegetarian. He’s eating a hamburger.
Elles doivent être épuisées. Elles ont étudié toute la nuit.
They must be exhausted. They studied all night.
6+2=5. Cela ne peut pas être juste !
6+2=5. That can’t be right!
I guess, my guess, chances are … (Traduire les phrases suivantes)
I guess everything changes when you are abroad.
I guess all of us have disappointments when we are abroad.
I guess it would be better if everyone was more tolerant.
I guess the world would be a better place is everyone was more polite.
I guess that's not politically correct to say that Scotland should become independent.
I guess the English countryside is beautiful in spring.
I guess most English people don’t care about foreigners working in England.
I wonder why Leila isn't here. My guess is that her car has broken down.
How old are you? At a guess, I'd say you are 20.
What did you do last Saturday ? I’d bet you stayed at home.
(je parierais que)
Bring an umbrella with you because chances are it's going to rain.
(il y a des chances pour que)
Mahée est bronzée. Elle doit avoir passé beaucoup de temps au soleil récemment. (to spend time, I spent, spent)
Mahée’s got a tan.
She must have spent a lot of time in the sun lately.
Il restait une pomme, mais maintenant elle a disparu. Oihan a du la manger.
There was one apple left, but now it’s gone.
Oihan must have eaten it.
Jimmy n’a pas pu te prendre ton cahier. Il n’était pas en classe hier.
Jimmy couldn’t have taken your notebook; he wasn’t in class yesterday.
Il ne reste plus de chocolats. Mais Oihan n’a pas pu les atteindre en haut de l’étagère ; il a dû demander à Caroline de les attraper.
The chocolates are gone. But Oihan couldn’t have reached the chocolates on the top shelf; he must have asked Caroline to get them.
Le cambrioleur a dû rentrer par la fenêtre ouverte.
The burglar must have gotten in through the open window.
Je n’ai pas pu laisser mon mon téléphone au lycée. J’ai appelé mon père en rentrant (en voiture).
I can’t have left my phone at school. I called my father on the drive home.
Elle a du être contente quand elle a appris la bonne nouvelle.
She must have felt happy when she heard the good news.
Mon exposé a été un succès ! Ça n'aurait pas pu être mieux !
My exposé was a success! It couldn’t have been better!
Maman a apporté sa voiture au garage hier et le garagiste a dit que le problème serait réglé en un jour, donc sa voiture devrait être prête maintenant.
Mum took her car to the mechanic yesterday and he said the problem would be fixed in a day – so her car should be ready by now.
Il faut que je fasse mes devoirs mais normalement ça devrait prendre seulement une demi-heure.
I must do my homework but it should only take about half an hour.
La météo est bonne donc notre vol ne devrait pas être retardé.
The weather is clear, so our flight shouldn’t be delayed.
J'ai envoyé la lettre il y a trois jours en courrier prioritaire. Jacqueline devrait déjà l'avoir reçue.
I sent the letter three days ago with express mail. Jacqueline should have received it already.
Cette machine à café est toute neuve. Elle n'aurait pas dû tomber en panne.
This coffee machine is brand new. It shouldn’t have broken down.
Tu aurais dû aider ton petit frère pour ses devoirs.
You should have helped your little brother with his homework.
Tu n'aurais pas dû dire ça. Tu tu l'as vraiment blessée.
You shouldn’t have said that. You really hurt her feelings.
Ne mange pas ce poisson. Il est peut-être toxique.
Don’t eat that fish. It could be poisonous.
Je ne vois pas le chien. Il doit être dans le jardin.
I can’t see the dog. It must be in the garden.
Je ne vois pas le chien. Il est peut-être dans le verger.
I can’t see the dog. It may be in the orchard.
Vois pas le chien. Il se pourrait qu'il soit dans la voiture
I can’t see the dog. It might be in the car.
La météo dit qu'il peut pleuvoir demain.
The weather forecast says it may rain tomorrow.
La météo dit qu'il pourrait éventuellement pleuvoir demain.
The weather forecast says it might rain tomorrow.
Mahée est vraiment forte. Il se pourrait bien qu'elle réussisse un de ces jours.
Mahée is really smart. She could be very successful someday.
Il se pourrait qu'on aille à la plage ce weekend
We might go to the beach this weekend.
Il se peut que je ne sois pas la personne la plus intelligente dadens la classe mais c'est moi qui travaille le plus, c'est sûr.
I may not be the smartest person in the class, but I definitely work the hardest.
Maman n'est pas chez elle. Il se pourrait qu'elle soit aller au cinéma.
Mum is not at home. She might have gone to the cinema.
Le professeur a pu mal interpréter ce que tu as dit quand tu lui a parlé hier.
The teacher may have misunderstood you when you talked to him yesterday.
Le type qui a tué le requin aurait pu être quelqu'un que je connais.
The guy who killed the shark could have been one of the people I know.
Peut-être qu’ils viendront en train.
Maybe they will come by train.
Vocabulary : notebooks
Vocabulary about moving, living, working abroad.
Essayer de traduire :
1) How would you like to spend a year working abroad ?
2) I AGREE THAT working abroad may prove to be a positive experience.
3) Working abroad would allow me to open up to a new culture.
4) Working abroad would allow me to embark on a personal adventure.
5) Working abroad would allow me to develop my skills.
6) Working abroad would allow me to discover a new culture.
7) Working abroad would allow me to open un my eyes to a new culture
8) Moving abroad sounds like an exciting adventure.
9) HOWEVER moving abroad means that sometimes I will feel lost.
10) Moving abroad means that sometimes I will have to develop new skills.
11) Moving abroad means that sometimes I will feel homesick.
12) Moving abroad means that sometimes I will have to go outside my comfort zone.
13) Moving abroad means that sometimes I will be taken out of my comfort zone.
14) Moving abroad means that sometimes I will have to overcome many obstacles.
15) THEREFORE, moving abroad will allow me to make the most of my skills.
16) Moving abroad will allow me to know what I am capable of doing.
17) Moving abroad will allow me to escape my daily routine at home.
18) Moving abroad will allow me to feel strong and proud.
19) ALL IN ALL, I strongly believe that moving abroad is always a positive experience.
20) By the way, I have found a job offer as a Sport and Recreation Team Leader in Australia online.
21) I think of sending an application.
22) I already have experience in this field.
23) Moreover, I am a dynamic and adaptable person eager to meet a new culture.
Practice dialogues
Listening comprehension
Lesson 16 - Wednesday 21st October 2020
Mahee’s suggestions
J’aimerais bien revoir l’utilisation de I think,I suppose, maybe, perhaps, I guess
On est a la page de Scotland
Et peut-être revoir aussi le présent simple et le présent be+v ing
Et aussi faire des dialogue à l’oral
Today’s lesson plan
Short dialogues
Some people say we shouldn’t eat meat ? What do you think ?
Well, maybe we could stop eating so much meat.
Well, maybe we could stop ….ing
Some people say we shouldn’t fly so much ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t buy so much stuff ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much sugar ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t drink so much alcohol ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t watch so much TV ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t spend so much time on our phones? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t have so many children ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat meat ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much meat. What do you think ?
Well, perhaps we could stop eating so much meat.
Well, perhaps we could stop ….ing
Some people say we shouldn’t fly so much ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t buy so much stuff ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much sugar ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t drink so much alcohol ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t watch so much TV ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t spend so much time on our phones? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t have so many children ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat meat ? What do you think ?
I guess
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much meat ? What do you think ?
Well, I guess we could stop eating so much meat.
Well, I guess we could stop ….ing
Some people say we shouldn’t fly so much ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t buy so much stuff ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much sugar ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t drink so much alcohol ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t watch so much TV ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t spend so much time on our phones? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t have so many children ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat meat ? What do you think ?
I think
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much meat ? What do you think ?
Well, I think (that) eating so much meat is not a good idea.
Well, I think (that) … ing ……. is not a good idea.
Some people say we shouldn’t fly so much ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t buy so much stuff ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much sugar ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t drink so much alcohol ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t watch so much TV ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t spend so much time on our phones? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t have so many children ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat meat ? What do you think ?
I suppose
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much meat ? What do you think ?
Well, I suppose eating so much meat is bad for the planet.
Well, I suppose ….ing … is bad for the planet.
Some people say we shouldn’t fly so much ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t buy so much stuff ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much sugar ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t drink so much alcohol ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t watch so much TV ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t spend so much time on our phones? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t have so many children ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat meat ? What do you think ?
Just answer!
Some people say we shouldn’t fly so much ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t buy so much stuff ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat so much sugar ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t drink so much alcohol ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t watch so much TV ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t spend so much time on our phones? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t have so many children ? What do you think ?
Some people say we shouldn’t eat meat ? What do you think ?
Present simple vs. present continuous
Tell me about things you like or hate doing.
I like …. (J’aime bien)
I enjoy… (J’adore)
I hate … (J’ai horreur)
I don’t mind … (ça m’est égal)
(camping. going to the beach. cooking dinner.
washing the dogs. packing up. getting up early.
being [laft at] laughed at. writing letters. texting.
[klAimin] climbing, lying on the beach for hours,
doing my homework, doing the housework,
tidying up my room, playing with little children,
playing badminton, going out with friends,
….. )
Do you like hiking?
Oh yes, I do. But I wouldn’t like to hike in winter in France.
When will you go to France again?
I expect to fly to Paris next July.
How often do you hike?
I usually hike during the holidays.
What are you doing at the moment?
I’m practicing my English.
How often do you practice English?
I try to practice English everyday.
Well, I agree that I should learn English vocabulary everyday.
When do you learn English vocabulary?
I usually learn new English words before going to sleep.
How long have you been learning English?
I’ve been learning English for 5 years.
Are there subjects you are really interested in at school ?
Well, I’m interested in learning history, Spanish.
What about English?
Well, I don’t mind learning English but I prefer speaking Spanish.
Present simple ? Present continuous
(Scotland) Listening comprehension
Make sure Mahée knows these words :
Listen to the video three times.
What did you understand?
Fill out the blanks
___________ has an amazing atmosphere. It’s a very friendly place for ___________ ___________.
With a ___________ but very friendly nation.
They’re not judgmental but ___________. ___________ very welcoming and very warm-hearted.
___________ is known for top ___________.
You can get a UK ___________ which is applicable everywhere and you can obtain the ___________ that you really ___________ and want.
It’s a beautiful ___________ to explore with ___________ ___________ and countryside.
It’s safe here and the ___________ is really clear.
It’s also affordable to live in ___________.
Scotland’s cities mix modern living with years of ___________.
Glasgow, Aberdeen, ___________, Stirling, and Dundee.
I didn’t ___________ much about Scotland before I came here but I’m glad I chose it ___________ I feel I’ve discovered an amazing secret.
A lot of movies chose Scotland as sets for their scenes.
___________ is full of ___________.
Everything ranging from ___________ to bagpipes to sights. It’s absolutely ___________ and full of ___________.
Full text
Scotland has an amazing atmosphere. It’s a very friendly place for international students.
With a small but very friendly nation.
They’re not judgmental but open-minded. They’re very welcoming and very warm-hearted.
Scotland is known for top universities.
You can get a UK degree which is applicable everywhere and you can obtain the skills that you really need and want
It’s a beautiful country to explore with amazing landscapes and countryside.
It’s safe here and the air is really clear.
It’s also affordable to live in Scotland.
Scotland’s cities mix modern living with years of history.
Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Stirling, and Dundee.
I didn’t know much about Scotland before I came here but I’m glad I chose it because I feel I’ve discovered an amazing secret.
A lot of movies chose Scotland as sets for their scenes.
Scotland is full of culture.
Everything ranging from kilts to bagpipes to sights. It’s absolutely beautiful and full of history.
Questions and answers on the video
Review what you know about moving abroad
Lesson 17 - Wednesday 18th November 2020
Mostly grammar exercises on Livecode as prep for test
Lesson 18 - Wednesday 25th November 2020
Lesson plan
Short dialogues
Learn vocabulary about sports
Il n’y a presque personne dans les gradins des stades ces jours-ci.
There is hardly anybody in the bleachers of stadiums these days.
Un sportif qui vient de gagner une médaille d’or est euphorique.
A jock who has just won a gold medal feels overjoyed.
Un sportif qui vient de gagner une médaille est euphorique.
A jock who has won a gold medal feels elated.
J’explose de joie quand mon équipe gagne une competition.
I burst with joy when my team win(s) a competition.
Je serre les poings quand mon équipe perd.
I clench my fists when my team lose(s) a competition.
Le premier mot qui me vient à l’esprit quand j’enteds le mot “sport” est “plaisir”.
The first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word “sport” is “pleasure.”
Courir m’aide à surmonter mes difficultés.
Running helps me (to) overcome my difficulties.
Je crois que la principale qualité d’un sportif c’est le fair play.
I strongly believe that a jock’s essential quality is fair play.
Le sport peut nous aider à (atteindre) aller au-delà de nos limites.
Sport can help us reach beyond our limits.
Quand je cours, je me sens libre.
When I run I feel free.
Il faut de la motivation pour faire de l’exercice tous les jours.
You need motivation to exercise every day.
Je me sens à la fois épuisée et heureuses après avoir joué au badminton.
I feel both exhausted and happy after playing badminton.
Courir me donne confiance.
Running boosts my confidence.
Quand je joue au water-polo je me dépense à fond.
When I play water-polo I really exert myself.
Je m’efforce de faire de mon mieux quand je fais du sport.
I always strive to do my best when I do sport.
[Building a sense of community] is one of the skills fostered through team sports.
Striving to do our best (s’efforcer de faire de notre mieux)
Reaching beyond our limits
Building a sense of community (Construire un sens d’appartenance à un groupe)
Développer l’esprit d’équipe
Repeat until fluency.
Grammar : l’essentiel en quelques phrases (revoir TOC sur IK)
Lesson 19 - Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Learn vocabulary about sports
Il n’y a presque personne dans les gradins ces jours-ci.
There is hardly anybody in the bleachers these days.
Un sportif qui vient de gagner une médaille est euphorique.
A jock who has won a medal feels overjoyed.
A jock who has won a gold medal feels elated.
J’explose de joie quand mon équipe gagne une competition.
I burst with joy when my team win(s) a competition.
Je serre les poings quand mon équipe perd.
I clench my fists when my team lose(s) a competition.
Le premier mot qui me vient à l’esprit quand j’enteds le mot “sport” est “plaisir”.
The first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word “sport” is “pleasure.”
Courir m’aide à surmonter mes difficultés.
Running helps me (to) overcome my difficulties.
Je crois que la principale qualité d’un sportif c’est le fair play.
I strongly believe that a jock’s essential quality is fair play.
Le sport peut nous aider à (atteindre) aller au-delà de nos limites.
Sport can help us reach beyond our limits.
Quand je cours, je me sens libre.
When I run I feel free.
Il faut de la motivation pour faire de l’exercice tous les jours.
You need motivation to exercise every day.
Je me sens à la fois épuisée et heureuse après avoir joué au badminton.
I feel both exhausted and happy after playing badminton.
Courir me donne confiance.
Running boosts my confidence.
Quand je joue au water-polo je me dépense à fond.
When I play water-polo I really exert myself.
Je m’efforce de faire de mon mieux quand je fais du sport.
I always strive to do my best when I do sport.
Les sports d’équipe forment l’esprit d’équipe.
Team sports develop a community spirit/
Repeat until fluency.
He’s lost his watch.
I cannot find my watch. Where is it?
I don’t know.
I haven’t seen it for a long time.
I think it’s in your car.
I don’t think so.
You should go and see.
What will you do next week-end?
What will you do next week-end?
I want Mum to take us to the beach.
Because I feel tired. I need some rest.
Try to get more sleep.
That’s a good idea. I’ll try to follow your advice.
And treat yourself to something good.
Yes, that’s another good idea. I’ll make a chocolate cake.
Have you ever been to London?
Have you ever been to London?
Yes, I have.
When were you in London?
I was in London last October.
What did you visit?
I visited the City.
Have you ever eaten fish and chips?
Yes, I’ve eaten fish and chips, and eggs and bacon for breakfast.
No, I have never eaten fish and chips.
Basic grammar magic dialogues
Explain the goal of these dialogues
A - I’m craving for an orange juice.
Je meurs d’envie (de boire) un jus d’orange.
B - Well, my father’s craving for a tax break.
Eh bien, mon père meurt d’envie (d’obtenir une crédit d’impôt)
A - People don’t like taxes and children don’t like vegetables. But the kids at my school love organic vegetables!
Les gens n’aiment pas les impôts et les enfants n’aiment pas les légumes. Mais les gosses à mon école adorent le légumes bio.
B - There are a few trees in your neighbors’ garden and plenty of vegetables.
Il y a quelques arbres dans le jardin de nos voisins et plein de légumes.
A - My father always complains about them. He doesn’t like him, he doesn’t like her either. He hates having them as neighbors. Stopped here on Dec. 2nd.
Mon père se plaint sans cesse d’eux. Il ne l’aime pas lui, il ne l’aime pas elle non plus. He déteste les avoir comme voisins.
B - I see that they have two cars. His car is blue, her car is white, their house is red. They could be French!
Je vois qu’ils ont deux voitures. Sa voiture à lui est bleue, sa voiture à elle est blanche, leur maison est rouge. Ils pourraient être français.
A - They are mowing their lawn. Usually they mow their lawn on Sundays.
Ils sont en train de tondre leur pelouse. Habituellement, ils tondent leur pelouse le dimanche.
B - They’ve been mowing their lawn for an hour. It’s getting on my nerves.
Ils tondent leur pelouse depuis une heure. Ça m’énerve!
A - They were mowing their lawn last Sunday when my father visited them.
Ils tondaient leur pelouse dimanche dernier quand mon père leur a rendu visite.
B - They have washed their dog too. I washed mine yesterday. Have you washed yours?
Ils ont lavé leur chien aussi. J’ai lavé le mien hier. As-tu lavé le tien?
A - By the way my parents will buy a new car soon. I expect it to be more energy-saving than their current one.
B - Can you help me with my homework?
A - Sure. But you should have asked me earlier. What is it about?
B - I have to turn sentences into the passive voice.
A- What’s the first sentence?
B - “Millions watch the news every day.”
A - The answer is: The news is watched by millions every day.
B - What about this one? “My mother takes care of my pets when I am on holiday.”
A- My pets are taken care of by Mum when I’m on holiday.
B - By the way, how many pets do you have?
A - I have a few birds, and a lot of other pets.
B - I have some pets too. I like feeding my tropical lizards. I give them a little coke every morning.
A - I can’t believe it!
B - Thanks a lot for helping me with doing my homework! You’re really good at English. Are you the best student in your class?
A - Oh no! Jim is better than me at English and maths. But I’m better than Sandra at French and maths.
B - But you are older than Sandra. And you are as old as Jim, aren’t you?
A - Well, Jim may be more intelligent than all of us, that’s all. Is this your computer?
B - No, it’s my Dad’s. Mine is smaller.
A - I use my computer in order to improve my English. I watch videos on YouTube. I’ve been told that it may help.
B - Who told you that?
A - I don’t think you know the teacher who told me that. She’s not one of the teachers whom you know.
B - Whose bike is this ?
A - The guy whose bike you’re talking of is in front of you. I can tell you that this bike, which cost me a fortune, is my most cherished belonging.
B - I got my parents to buy one for me just by doing the dishes. Now they have me do the dishes every day! Sigh!
A - What about going for a ride? We could ride to the lake.
B - I avoid going to the lake because of mosquitoes. Instead of going to the lake, we could ride to the beach.
A - My dad says he doesn’t want me to go to the beach alone.
B - Wait a minute, I’ll ask my Dad. Dad, may we go to the beach?
C - Sure, but take your raincoats with you, it may rain. You might see your grandparents at the beach. Bring them these cookies.
B - Dad! They’ can’t be at the beach. They should be at home playing cards. Or they may even be at the cinema.
Practice on line
Basic grammar magic dialogue 1 on Livecode
Stopped at cd 3 on Dec. 2nd. Better start over.
Listening comprehension How playing sports benefits your body ... and your brain
Listen again and again until it gets quite clear
What did you understand ?
(in English or French)
=> EXCERPT 1 - 1’25 - 2’14
Excerpt 1 - Fill out the gaps
1’24 -
Well here is where it gets ——————————.
—————————— it turns out that if you can —————————— a sport and a —————————— you like,
studies show that there are all sorts of —————————— that go beyond the physical and mental benefits of exercise alone.
Some of the —————————— significant are psychological —————————— both in the short and long term.
Some of those —————————— from the communal experience of —————————— on a ——————————,
for instance —————————— to trust and depend on ——————————,
to accept ——————————, to —————————— help,
and to —————————— —————————— towards a common ——————————.
In ——————————, commitment to a team and doing —————————— fun
—————————— also —————————— it easier to establish a regular habit of ——————————.
—————————— sport participation has —————————— been shown to reduce the —————————— of suffering from depression four up to —————————— years.
Meanwhile (pendant ce temps) your self-esteem and —————————— can get a big ——————————.
Solution Excerpt #1
Well here is where it gets interesting.
Because it turns out that if you can find a sport and a team you like,
studies show that there are all sorts of benefits that go beyond the physical and mental benefits of exercise alone.
Some of the most significant are psychological benefits both in the short and long term.
Some of those come from the communal experience of being on a team,
for instance learning to trust and depend on others,
to accept help, to give help,
and to work together towards a common goal.
In addition, commitment to a team and doing something fun
can also make it easier to establish a regular habit of exercise.
School sport participation has also been shown to reduce the risk of suffering from depression four up to four years.
Meanwhile (pendant ce temps) your self-esteem and confidence can get a big boost.
=> EXCERPT #2 - 2’15 - 2’53
Excerpt #2 - Fill out the gaps
—————————— —————————— a few reasons for that.
One is found in training.
Just by working and working at ——————————
especially with a good ——————————
you reinforce a growth mindset within yourself.
That's when —————————— say "Even if I —————————— do something today,
I can —————————— myself through —————————— and achieve it eventually.
That mindset is useful in all walks of life.
And then there is —————————— through failure,
One of the most transformative long-term benefitS of playing ——————————.
The experience of coming to terms with —————————— can build the resilience and self-awareness
—————————— to manage academic, social and physical hurdles.
Solution Excerpt #2
There are few reasons for that.
One is found in training.
Just by working and working at skills
especially with a good coach
you reinforce a growth mindset within yourself.
That's when you say "Even if I can't do something today,
I can improve myself through practice and achieve it eventually.
That mindset is useful in all walks of life.
And then there is learning through failure,
One of the most transformative long-term benefitS of playing sports.
The experience of coming to terms with defeat can build the resilience and self-awareness
necessary to manage academic, social and physical hurdles.
Lesson 20 - Wednesday 9th December 2020
Vocabulary (new words from Afro-Americans)
Les Noirs américains ont moins de chances que les autres Américains de bien gagner leur vie.
Black Americans are less likely to achieve prosperity
than other Americans.
Par conséquent
La population noire asservie
enslaved black people
Le 3ème plus grand groupe ethnique
the third largest ethnic group
La traite négrière
The slave-trade
installations, équipements (écoles, ponts, hôpitaux,…)
Rester dans le Sud
To remain in the South
Pour la plupart d’entre eux
For most of them
Ils ont longtemps souffert de discrimination.
They have long suffered from discrimination.
Les droits civils
Civil rights
Un militant
An activist
L’hymne national
The National anthem
To kneel I knelt knelt
Le mouvement a accompli / obtenu de grandes victoires
The movement has achieved great victories.
La désobéissance civile
Civil disobedience
Combattre contre la violence policière
To fight against police violence (to fight I fought fought)
Nous tenons ces vérités comme allant de soi.
We hold these truths to be self-evident
Une citation
A quotation
Short dialogues about Afro-Americans
Read the short dialogue and memorize.
Who are Afro-Americans?
Who are Afro-Americans (or African Americans )?
Most Afro-Americans are the descendants of enslaved black people in the United States.
What about recent black immigrants or their children ?
Recent black immigrants or their children may also be called Afro-Americans.
How important are they in the American population?
They are the third largest ethnic group in the US.
Who are the first two largest groups?
They are the White Americans and Latino Americans.
The slave-trade
When did the slave trade begin in the US?
The slave-trade began in the early seventeenth century in Virginia.
Who were the slaves sold to?
The slaves were sold to white planters in the South.
What did planters grow on their plantations?
They grew cotton.
Afro-American timeline
When was slavery abolished in the United States?
The 13th amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery in 1865.
Did that mean that former slaves became equal citizens?
Due to white supremacy, former slaves were treated as second-class citizens.
Did all former slaves remain in the South?
Millions of African Americans moved to the Northeast and Midwest after 1916. (The Great Migration)
Which cities did they go to for most of them?
Many of them moved to Washington, NYC and Chicago.
Discrimination and segregation
What is discrimination ?
Discrimination is making racial differences.
What is segregation?
Segregation is racial separation.
What have African Americans long suffered from in the United States?
African Americans have long suffered from racial discrimination.
What made racial discrimination even worse?
Racial discrimination was institutionalized and thus it was legal.
What is racial segregation?
Racial segregation is the separation of people into ethnic groups in daily life.
What were the most infamous segregation laws in the South called?
They were called Jim Crow laws.
Which facilities were segregated by Jim Crow laws?
Jim Crow laws in the South segregated….
residential areas
public parks
Swimming pools
jails etc.
There were separate waiting rooms for whites and blacks.
The civil rights movement
When did the civil rights movement begin?
It began after the Civil War (1861-1865) during Reconstruction.
When did the civil rights movement achieve its greatest victories?
The civil rights movement achieved its greatest victories in the 1960s.
How did the civil rights movement achieve its greatest victories?
The civil rights movement used nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience.
Can you give an example of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience?
The Montgomery bus boycott led by MLK in 1955.
How did the boycott begin?
Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man.
Who is one of the most famous civil rights movement activist these days?
Colin Rand Kaepernick is an American civil rights activist.
Why is he famous?
He is famous for kneeling during the national anthem before National Football League games.
Black Lives Matter
What do you know about the Black Lives Matter movement ?
It is a contemporary movement that fight against police violence in the United States.
Who was MLK?
Martin Luther King Jr. is the most prominent leader in the American civil rights movement.
What is he famous for?
He’s famous for leading the March on Washington D.C. in 1963.
What is the title of the speech he delivered on that day?
His famous speech is “I have a dream.”
What is the most famous passage of his speech?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
What is it a quotation from?
It is a quotation of the Declaration of Independence (1776).
What do you know about African Americans today?
In recent years, Black Americans have made social and economic progress.
Can you give examples of such progress?
They have been overcoming centuries of racism.
They have been overcoming centuries of oppression.
They have been gaining more political rights.
They have been entering better paid professions.
Are all difficulties overcome?
Of course not. Millions of Black Americans are still second-class citizens.
What about good health?
Black Americans are less likely to achieve good health
than other Americans.
Les Noirs américains ont moins de chances que les autres Américains d’être bien portants.
What about political influence?
Black Americans are less likely to achieve political influence
than other Americans.
What about prosperity?
Black Americans are less likely to achieve prosperity
than other Americans.
What about security ?
Black Americans are less likely to achieve security
than other Americans.
Can you name some famous African Americans?
Barack Obama (!)
Harriet Tubman
was the most famous conductor for the Underground Railroad. Born a slave named Araminta Ross, she took the name Harriet (Tubman was her married name) when, in 1849, she escaped a plantation in Maryland with two of her brothers.
Michael Jackson
Oprah Winfrey
is an American talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and philanthropist. She is best known for her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, broadcast from Chicago, which was the highest-rated television program of its kind in history and ran in national syndication for 25 years from 1986 to 2011.[4] Dubbed the "Queen of All Media",[5] she was the richest African American of the 20th century[6][7] and North America's first black multi-billionaire,[8] and she has been ranked the greatest black philanthropist in American history.[9][10] By 2007, she was sometimes ranked as the most influential woman in the world.[11][12]
Serena Williams
Michael Jordan
Practice sentences above
Phone-Afro-Americans-buttons (no access by internet)
Lesson template
Check homework/Review former sessions(S)
Check homework
Last time’s short dialogue 1
Last time’s short dialogue 2
Listening comprehension: audio clip
Listen to a short dialogue online
WRITE and translate this short dialogue
Practice the dialogue
Watch again the short dialogue online
Vocabulary + short dialogue
Common verbs => dialogue
Grammar point : drills
Programme selon SPARKS
Présent simple ou présent en be + V-ing ?
Present perfect ou prétérit
Prétérit simple, en be + V-ing ou past perfect ?
L’habitude ou la régularité dans le passé
Le futur
Les degrés de probabilité
Le conseil
Le regret
Les dénombrables et les indénombrables
Les articles
Le génitif
Le comparatif
Le superlatif
Les pronoms relatifs
Les intensifieurs
Les questions
Discours direct et indirect
Exercises on line
Travail sur le livre de Seconde
To be learned at some time later
Common verbs
1 to be were been
2 to have had had
3 to do did done
4 to say said said
5 to go went gone
6 to get got got / gotten
7 to make made made
8 to know knew known
9 to think thought thought
10 to take took taken
11 to see saw seen
12 to come came come
13 to want wanted wanted
14 to look looked looked
To look up :
• L’une des significations les plus simples et courantes correspond à la traduction littérale de l’expression to look up : regarder vers le haut / lever les yeux. Par exemple :
• I looked up from the computer screen.
J’ai levé les yeux de mon écran d’ordinateur.
• Autre sens lié à l’idée de search que l’on évoquait en introduction : rechercher quelque chose. Il est très courant de trouver plus spécifiquement cette expression dans des contextes liés à une recherche dans un dictionnaire ou une liste de contacts :
• I often have to look up the meaning of unfamiliar words in the dictionary.
• Je dois souvent chercher la signification de mots inconnus dans le dictionnaire.
• Enfin, lorsque look up se voit compléter par « to », il prend le sens d’admirer. C’est le cas dans la phrase :
• I look up to Travis Rice because he’s the best snowboarder in the world.
J’admire Travis Rice car c’est le plus grand snowboarder du monde.
To look after :
• Un verbe plutôt simple, puisqu’il revêt principalement le sens de surveiller quelqu’un. On l’utilise très souvent à l’écrit comme à l’oral dans des expressions du quotidien telles que :
• Today I am looking after the children.
• Aujourd’hui, je m’occupe des enfants.
To look at :
• La préposition « at » est obligatoire dès lors que vous souhaitez utiliser look dans le sens de regarder quelque chose / quelqu’un, voire examiner :
• The sailor looked at the horizon.
• Le marin regardait l’horizon.
• Attention cependant à ne pas utiliser look at lorsque vous souhaitez exprimer l’idée de regarder la télévision ou un film. Dans ces contextes, le verbe utilisé est « watch » :
• I am watching the television.
• Je regarde la télévision.
To look down :
• Tout comme look up, la traduction la plus courante de look down est littérale : regarder vers le bas / baisser les yeux. Par exemple : I know the direction ; anyway there is too much traffic to look down at the GPS.
• Je connais la route, et de toute façon, la circulation est trop dense pour baisser les yeux vers le GPS.
• Lorsque look down est suivi de « on », il prend alors le sens de mépriser / regarder de haut :
• It is wrong to look down on people less fortunate that yourself.
Ce n’est pas bien de regarder de haut les gens moins chanceux que soi.
Cette expression, tout comme son contraire look up to vu précédemment, est intéressante à connaître pour étoffer votre champ lexical. N’hésitez pas à les noter dans votre logbook !
To look around / round :
• Autre verbe plutôt simple, puisqu’on le traduit la plupart du temps de manière littérale : regarder autour de soi. Par exemple :
Look around you !
Regarde autour de toi !
• Dans certains contextes, look around a davantage le sens d’inspecter / visiter :
• Do not forget to look around your home to be sure everything is fine.
• N’oublie pas de faire le tour de la maison pour vérifier que tout est normal.
Pour aller plus loin :
–  Comme nous le rappelle Ben, cette liste n’est pas exhaustive et a pour but de vous présenter les sens les plus communs ! Il existe de nombreuses autres significations que vous apprendrez au fur et à mesure de vos discussions en anglais.
– Vous souhaitez bénéficier de cours plus approfondis ou adaptés à vos besoins ? Alors rejoignez  AnglaisCours Club ! Notre espace membres vous donnera accès à toutes les formations d’anglais, avec Sandra, Ben et Alban, dont vous avez besoin pour progresser.
15 to use used used
16 to find found found
17 to give gave given
18 to tell told told
19 to work worked worked
20 to call called called
21 to try tried tried
22 to ask asked asked
23 to need needed needed
24 to feel felt felt
25 to become became become
26 to leave left left
27 to put put put
28 to mean meant meant
29 to keep kept kept
30 to let let let
31 to begin began begun
32 to seem seemed seemed
33 to help helped helped
34 to talk talked talked
35 to turn turned turned
36 to start started started
37 to show showed shown
38 to hear heard heard
39 to play played played
40 to run ran run
41 to move moved moved
42 to like liked liked
43 to live lived lived
44 to believe believed believed
45 to hold held held
46 to bring brought brought
47 to happen happened happened
48 to write wrote written
49 to provide provided provided
50 to sit sat sat
51 to stand stood stood
52 to lose lost lost
53 to pay paid paid
54 to meet met met
55 to include included included
56 to continue continued continued
57 to set set set
58 to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned
59 to change changed changed
To be reviewed
60 to lead led led
61 to understand understood understood
62 to watch watched watched
63 to follow followed followed
64 to stop stopped stopped
65 to create created created
66 to speak spoke spoken
67 to read read read
68 to allow allowed allowed
69 to add added added
70 to spend spent spent
71 to grow grew grown
72 to open opened opened
73 to walk walked walked
74 to win won won
75 to offer offered offered
To be practiced
Common nouns
Common adjectives
Groupe verbal
Les temps
Present simple
forme négative
Présent simple ou présent en be + V-ing ?
Present perfect ou prétérit ?
Prétérit simple, en be + V-ing ou past perfect
L’habitude ou la régularité dans le passé
Le futur
Les degrés de probabilité
have to
necessary to
need to
Le conseil
Le regret
Groupe nominal
Les dénombrables et les indénombrables
Les articles
Le génitif
Le comparatif
Le superlatif
Les pronoms relatifs
Les intensifieurs
Les questions
Discours direct et indirect
Les propositions infinitives
L’accroissement parallèle
La voix passive
Constructions à connaître
To want someone to do something
To find it difficult/impossible…. to do something
…, that’s the reason why ….
Listening comprehension
Online tools
French-English dictionary
Already used
Refaire ces exercices sur les fondamentaux
CAN MAY MIGHT MUST SHOULD en utilisant le tableau.
Ne pas employer de formes contractées.
Un voyageur peut importer plus de deux bouteilles de vin aux Etats-Unis pour sa consommation personnelle.
A traveler may import more than two bottles of wine into the United States for personal use.
La valise (suitcase ) est lourde mais elle peut la soulever (to lift).
The suitcase is heavy but she can lift it.
Tu devrais fermer ta voiture à clé.
You should lock your car.
Est-ce que Dieu peut créer un rocher si lourd qu’il ne puisse le soulever ?
Can God make a rock so heavy that he cannot lift it?
Regarde! Ce passager porte une chemise à fleur (floral shirt), il boit du Bourbon. Il doit être américain (majuscule à American).
Look! This passenger is wearing a floral shirt, he is drinking Bourbon. He must be American.
Un vaccin pourrait vite (quickly) arriver sur le marché. (Sous-entendu, c’est très improbable).
A vaccine might reach the market quickly.
Il se peut que les écoles (pas de the) ouvrent en septembre. (= (Il y a une chance pour que…)
Schools may open in September.
Les jeunes (young people) doivent respecter les vieux (the elderly).
Young people must respect the elderly.
C’est une impasse (deadend). Il faut nous en retourner.
It’s a dead end. We have to go back.
Les TEMPS en utilisant le tableau
Mon père a acheté une voiture neuve.
My father has bought a new car.
Il l’a achetée il y a une semaine. (a week ago) (surtout pas “there is”)
He bought it a week ago.
Il la lave tous les jours.
He washes it every day.
Hier, il lavait sa voiture neuve quand il a commencé to start) à pleuvoir.
Yesterday, he was washing his car when it started to rain.
Regarde, il est en train de la laver.
Look! He is washing it.
Je vais lui dire que sa voiture est nickel (spotless) et qu’il devrait arrêter (to stop +ing) de gaspiller (to waste) l’eau.
I am going to tell him that his car is spotless and that he should stop wasting water.
Dimanche dernier, il n’avait pas encore (no yet) lavé sa voiture quand sa belle mère (stepmother) est arrivée.
Last Sunday, he had not washed his car when his stepmother arrived.
Ma mère n’arrête pas (to keep + ing) de dire qu’elle n’achètera pas un autre voiture.
My mother keeps saying that she will not buy another car.
Les cambrioleurs (burglars ) s’étaient échappés (to escape conjugué avec to have, pas to be) quand la police est arrivée.
The burglars had escaped when the police arrived.
Unused yet
Questions on a short text
A Modest Step for the Refugees
Credit Rachel Levit
The European Union finally did the very least it could do on Tuesday and voted to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers among member nations. That will relieve some of the pressure on the frontline countries flooded by the unending flow of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. But the long delay in taking even this modest step, and the bitter resistance of four Central European states, offer a graphic display of the grave threat posed by the crisis to the fundamental principles of the union.
Almost half a million people have arrived in Europe this year, most of them entering the European Union through Greece, Italy or Hungary. Yet despite the humanitarian and political challenge posed by the flood, the union has agreed only on the most basic responses. Tuesday’s vote of E.U. interior ministers — which requires compliance from the countries that voted no — came after weeks of futile efforts to reach a consensus on how to relocate at least some of the arrivals.
Details of the plan are still being worked out, and it is hard to see how E.U. countries will prevent asylum seekers from moving on to the haven of their choice, usually Germany. That is one of the arguments used by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia in voting against the plan. But the logistics are not the issue. European Union members were asked to share the biggest burden the Continent has been saddled with since World War II, and some of the newest members shamefully tried to cop out.
The refugee crisis, and before it the Greek debt crisis, have made plain that two fundamental achievements of the E.U. — the single currency and borderless travel — lack the necessary foundation of unified rules and institutions to function effectively in times of crisis. Both were essentially political attempts to graft the attributes of a single state onto a collection of largely independent states with only limited central controls. And not all countries signed on to the euro, the border-free Schengen zone or other joint obligations — Britain, Ireland and Denmark, for example, are not bound by the current refugee quotas.
But with all its inherent weaknesses, the European Union from the outset stood for more than trade or movement of peoples. It was intended to replace centuries of Continental warfare with a community of shared democratic and humane values. That’s what East European countries proudly signed on for when they broke free of Soviet-imposed Communist dictatorships in the 1990s.
That unity is being sorely tested today. Instead of coming together to cope with the crisis, many countries have retreated into a beggar-thy-neighbor stance. Germany, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia have re-established temporary border controls. Nationalist, populist and anti-E.U. parties have grown in strength. Slovakia, whose quota is a mere 802 refugees, has raised the loudest protest, with Prime Minister Robert Fico vowing to defy the E.U. vote.
At this point, interior ministers were right to stop trying for consensus and to impose quotas through a vote. Greece, Italy and Hungary simply cannot absorb the thousands who keep arriving, and the union simply cannot afford to scuttle what it stands for.
Apply common mistakes rules
Which sentence is correct ?
1- Les Hippies prônaient la paix et de l'amour.
The Hippies praised the peace and the love.
Hippies praised the peace and the love.
The Hippies praised the peace and love.
Hippies praised peace and love.
2-Le fromage est bon pour la santé des enfants.
Cheese is good for the health of children.
The cheese is good for the health of the children.
The cheese is goog for health of the children.
Cheese is good for the health of the children.
3-Les migrants veulent que leurs familles les rejoignent.
The migrants want that their families join them.
Migrants want their families to join them.
Migrants want that their families join them.
The migrants want their families to join them.
4-Barack Obama dirige une grande nation dont la plus grande valeur est la liberté.
Barack Obama leads a agreat nation whose greatest value is freedom.
Barack Obama lead a agreat nation whose greatest value is freedom.
Barack Obama leads a agreat nation whose greatest value is the freedom.
Barack Obama lead a agreat nation whose greatest value is the freedom.
5- Je peux le faire (capacité physique ou morale) si tu me dis que je peux le faire (autorisation).
I can to do it if you tell me that I may to do it.
I can to do it if you tell me that I may do it.
We can do it if you tell me that I may do it.
I can do it if you tell me that I may do it.
6- Les migrants pouvaient trouver de meilleures conditions de vie aux Etats-Unis.
The migrants could find better living conditions in the United States.
Migrants can find better living conditions in the United States.
Migrants could to find better living conditions the United States.
Migrants could find better living conditions in the United States.
7- Tout ce que je crains c'est qu'il veuille que j'aille avec lui.
All what I dread is that he wants me to go with him.
All that I dread is that he want me to go with him.
All that I dread is that he wants that I go with him.
All that I dread is that he wants me to go with him.
8- La plupart des gens travaillent pour gagner leur vie et n'ont pas le temps de penser à leur condition.
Most peopl ework work for to earn a living and have no time to think of their condition.
Most people work works to earn a living and have no time to think of their condition.
Most people works work to earn a living and have no time to think of their condition.
Most peoplework work to earn a living and have no time to think of their condition.
9- Les parents de mes amis ne veulent pas que nous allions à la plage.
My friends's parents do not want us to go to the beach.
My friends' parents do not want us to go to the beach.
My friends' parents do not want that we go to the beach.
My friend's parents do not want us to go to the beach.
10- Est-ce que la recherche t'intéresse ?
Are you interested in doing research?
Are you interested to do research?
Are you interested in order to do research?
Are you interested for to do research?
11- Pourquoi la plupart des pays dépensent-ils tant d'argent pour acheter des armes au lieu d'investir dans l'éducation?
Why are most countries spending so much money on buying weapons instead of investing in education?
Why are most countries spending so much money on buying weapons instead of to invest in education?
Why are most countries spending so much money for to buy weapons instead of investing in the education?
Why are countries spending so much money on buying weapons instead of investing in education?
12- Les scientifiques devraient aider à améliorer la santé des gens plutôt qu'à développer des technologies inutiles.
Scientists should help to improve people's health instead of developing useless technologies.
The scientists should help to improve people's health instead of developing useless technologies.
Scientists should to help to improve people's health instead of developing useless technologies.
Scientists should help to improve people's health instead of to develop useless technologies.
whole (?) lesson
in Livecode, giraffe, AGIRabcd
Listening comprehension
Universal Basic Income: for when the robots take over
Extract from Great Gatsby on SPARKS
Listen three times
Fill in the blanks
In this …………. from the final chapter, Gatsby’s father shows Nick, the …………. , a …………. in which a young Gatsby had …………. a schedule for self-improvement.
The apparent way to ………….
“ Look here, this is a …………. he had when he …………. a …………. . It just shows you.” He opened it at the back cover and turned it around for me to …………. . On the last fly-leaf was printed the word SCHEDULE, and the date …………. 12th, 1906. And underneath:
Rise from …………. 6.00 A.M.
Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling 6.15-6.30 A.M.
Study electricity, etc 7.15-8.15 A.M.
…………. 8.30- 4.30 P.M.
Baseball and ………… 4.30-5.00 P.M.
Practice elocution, poise and ……… to attain it 5.00-6.00 P.M.
Study needed invention 7.00-9.00 P.M.
No wasting time at Shafters or [a name, indecipherable]
No more smoking or chewing
Bath every other day
Read one improving book or magazine per week Save $5.00 [crossed out] $3.00 per week Be better to parents
“I come across this book by accident”, said the old man.
“It just shows you, don’t it?”
“It just shows you.”
“Jimmy was bound to get ahead. He always had some resolves like this or something. Do you notice what he’s got about improving his mind? He was always great for that. He told me I et like a hog once and I beat him for it.” He was reluctant to close the book, reading each item aloud and then looking eagerly at me. I think he rather expected me to copy down the list for my own use.
The Great Gatsby, chapter 9, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, 1925
In this extract from the final chapter, Gatsby’s father shows Nick, the narrator, a book in which a young Gatsby had written a schedule for self-improvement.
The apparent way to success
“ Look here, this is a book he had when he was a boy. It just shows you.” He opened it at the back cover and turned it around for me to see. On the last fly-leaf was printed the word SCHEDULE, and the date September 12th, 1906. And underneath:
Rise from bed
6.00 A.M.
6.15-6.30 A.M.
7.15-8.15 A.M.
8.30- 4.30 P.M.
4.30- 5.00 P.M.
5.00-6.00 P.M.
7.00-9.00 P.M.
Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling
Study electricity, etc
Baseball and sports
Practice elocution, poise and how to attain it
Study needed invention
No wasting time at Shafters or [a name, indecipherable]
No more smoking or chewing
Bath every other day
Read one improving book or magazine per week Save $5.00 [crossed out] $3.00 per week Be better to parents
“I come across this book by accident”, said the old man.
“It just shows you, don’t it?”
“It just shows you.”
“Jimmy was bound to get ahead. He always had some resolves like this or something. Do you notice what he’s got about improving his mind? He was always great for that. He told me I et like a hog once and I beat him for it.” He was reluctant to close the book, reading each item aloud and then looking eagerly at me. I think he rather expected me to copy down the list for my own use.
The Great Gatsby, chapter 9, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, 1925
Mental health
Listening Comprehension
How do you care for pigs?
Grammar : l’essentiel en quelques phrases (revoir TOC sur IK)
The magic sheet
Pour réviser sur Internet, retrouver les tableaux des temps, des modaux,….
Des phrases pour réviser l’essentiel de l’essentiel de la grammaire anglaise
Les temps
Action avant une autre action dans le passé
Il avait cuisiné le dîner quand sa femme est rentrée à la maison.
He had cooked dinner when his wife came back home.
Action en train de se dérouler quand une autre action a eu lieu
Ils jouaient dans leur chambre quand leur père les a appelés.
They were playing in their room when their father called them.
Action terminée, datée.
Hier ils sont allés à la plage.
They went to the beach yesterday.
Did they go to the beach yesterday?
They did not go to the beach yesterday.
J’ai visité Londres il y a un an.
I visited London a year ago.
Entre passé et présent
Action terminée, non datée
Il a visité Madrid.
He has visited Madrid.
FOR - Action en train de se faire avec indication de sa durée
J’habite Boucan DEPUIS vingt ans.
IL Y A vingt ans que j’habite à Boucan.
I have been living at Boucan for twenty years.
I have lived at Boucan for twenty years.
SINCE - Action en train de se dérouler avec indication de son début
Je vis à Boucan depuis 2008.
I have been living at Boucan since two thousand eight.
Action répétée, ou toujours vraie…
Ma mère nourrit les chiens tous les jours.
My mother feeds the dogs every day.
Does your mother feed the dogs every day?
My mother does not feed the dogs every day.
Action en train de se faire
Ma mère est en train de nourrir les chiens.
My mother is feeding the dogs.
Je vais, On va….
Je vais faire une tarte aux pommes.
I am going to make an apple pie.
Action imminente
Cyclone Toto is about to hit Reunion Island.
Action dans le futur
Ils achèteront une maison bientôt.
They will buy a new house soon.
CAPACITE - être capable de
Elle peut soulever sa valise.
She can lift her suitcase.
Forte MUST
Il porte un kilt tous les jours, il doit être écossais.
He wears a kilt every day, he must be a Scotsman.
Moyenne MAY
Il se peut que j’aille à la plage dimanche.
I may go to the beach next Sunday.
Faible MIGHT
Il se pourrait qu’il aille à Toronto l’an prochain.
He might go to Toronto next year.
Tu peux partir.
You may go.
Il faut que je range ma chambre (ou je vais me faire gronder).
I have to tidy up my room.
Devoir moral
Je dois aider mon petit frère.
I must help my little brother.
Hier, il a fallu que j’aide mon petit frère pour faire ses devoirs.
I had to help my little brother to do his homework yesterday.
Les gens devraient arrêter d’acheter des trucs clinquants inutiles.
People should stop buying useless flashy stuff.
Tournures à connaître
Vouloir que quelqu’un fasse quelque chose
Elle veut que nous nous lavions les mains avant d’entrer.
She wants us to wash our hands before getting in.
Faire faire quelque chose
Elle nous fait laver les mains avant d’entrer.
She makes us wash our hands before getting in.
All short dialogues
Basic grammar magic dialogue
A - I’m craving for an orange juice.
B - Well, my father’s craving for a tax break.
A - People don’t like taxes and children don’t like vegetables. But the kids at my school love organic vegetables!
B - There are a few trees in your neighbors’ garden and plenty of vegetables.
A - My father always complains about them. He doesn’t like him, he doesn’t like her either. He hates having them as neighbors.
B - They have two cars. His car is blue, her car is white, their house is red. They could be French!
A - They are mowing the lawn. Usually they mow their lawn on Sundays.
B - They’ve been mowing their lawn for an hour. It’s getting on my nerves.
A - They were mowing their lawn last Sunday when I visited them.
B - They have washed their dog too. I washed mine yesterday. Have you washed your dog?
A - Yes, I have. By the way my parents will buy a new car soon. I expect it to be more energy-saving than their current one.
B - Can you help me with my homework?
A - Sure. But you should have asked me earlier. What is it about?
B - I have to turn sentences into the passive voice.
A- What’s the first sentence?
B - “Millions watch the news every day.”
A - The answer is: The news is watched by millions every day.
B - What about this one? “My mother takes care of my pets when I am on holiday.”
A- My pets are taken care of by Mum when I’m on holiday.
B - By the way, how many pets do you have?
A - I have a few birds, and a lot of other pets.
B - I have some pets too. I like feeding my tropical lizards. I give them a little coke every morning.
A - I can’t believe it!
B - Thanks a lot for helping me with doing my homework! You’re really good at English. Are you the best student in your class?
A - Oh no! Jim is better than me at English and maths. But I’m better than Sandra at French and maths.
B - But you are older than Sandra. And you are as old as Jim, aren’t you?
A - Well, Jim may be more intelligent than all of us, that’s all. Is this your computer?
B - No, it’s my Dad’s. Mine is smaller.
A - I use my computer in order to improve my English. I watch videos on YouTube. I’ve been told that it may help.
B - Who told you that?
A - I don’t think you know the teacher who told me that. She’s not one of the teachers whom you know.
B - Whose bike is this ?
A - The guy whose bike you’re talking of is in front of you. I can tell you that this bike, which cost me a fortune, is my most cherished belonging.
B - I got my parents to buy one for me just by doing the dishes. Now they have me do the dishes every day! Sigh!
A - What about going for a ride? We could ride to the lake.
B - I avoid going to the lake because of mosquitoes. Instead of going to the lake, we could ride to the beach.
A - My dad says he doesn’t want me to go to the beach alone.
B - Wait a minute, I’ll ask my Dad. Dad, may we go to the beach?
C - Sure, but take your raincoats with you, it may rain. You might see your grandparents at the beach. Bring them these cookies.
B - Dad! They’ can’t be at the beach. They should be at home playing cards. Or they may even be at the cinema.
Have you ever been to London?
Have you ever been to London?
Yes, I have.
When were you in London?
I was in London last October.
What did you visit?
I visited the City.
Have you ever eaten fish and chips?
Yes, I’ve eaten fish and chips, and eggs and bacon for breakfast.
No, I have never eaten fish and chips.
He’s lost his watch.
I cannot find my watch. Where is it?
I don’t know.
I haven’t seen it for a long time.
I think it’s in your car.
I don’t think so.
You should go and see.
What will you do next week-end?
What will you do next week-end?
I want Mum to take us to the beach.
Because I feel tired. I need some rest.
Try to get more sleep.
That’s a good idea. I’ll try to follow your advice.
And treat yourself to something good.
Yes, that’s another good idea. I’ll make a chocolate cake.
Do you have a dog?
Do you have a dog?
I have two.
How often do you feed them?
I feed them twice a day.
I’ve two green lizards.
I can’t see them.
I can see one.
I can see both of them.
You know, I get them some coke every morning.
I can see (that) you take good care of them.
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
Many people say that they don’t use pesticides.
But they use them against mosquitoes!
By the way, if you go to Madagascar, beware of mosquitoes!
I know someone who’s just come back from Tana.
(who has)
How is he?
He looks tired. He may be sick with yellow fever.
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Did you call your Grandma yesterday?
Yes I did.
What did she tell you ?
She told me that Bob had given Jarai a new toy.
By the way, how is Bob?
He’s very busy. He works all day.
Can’t you ask him to have some rest?
can not
No way! He wants the farmhouse to become a palace!
Turn it on!
Can you show me how to start this computer?
Yes, I’m happy to help you. Turn it on!
I think I begin to understand how it works, but I don’t know how to start it.
Turn it on!
It seems to me that this machine is going to talk to us.
I can show you how to make it talk to you.
No way! I talk to humans! But I thank you for letting me use it.
Where does this trail lead to?
Roche Plate
Where does this trail lead to?
It leads to Roche Plate.
Have you already followed this trail to Roche Plate?
Yes, I followed this trail down to Roche Plate not long ago.
What did you do in Roche Plate?
Were you allowed to watch your smartphones?
Oh yes, parents were happy to let us watch our smartphones.
How would you like to spend a year working abroad ?
How would you like to spend a year working abroad ?
I AGREE THAT working abroad may prove to be a positive experience.
Why ?
First, working abroad would allow me to open up to a new culture.
Do you really think going abroad is an exciting idea?
Sure! Working abroad would allow me to embark on a personal adventure.
Is moving abroad just for fun?
Working abroad would also allow me to develop my skills.
HOWEVER moving abroad means that you will feel lost from time to time.
Yes, I might feel homesick at times.
Don’t you think that you will have to go outside your comfort zone?
Yes, of course I will be taken out of my comfort zone from time to time.
Everything seems to be difficult in a new environment. Don’t you agree ?
I know that I will have to overcome many obstacles.
So you feel confident about moving abroad, don’t you?
Moving abroad will allow me to know what I am capable of doing.
Great! I wish you the best of all luck!
Where are the dogs?
Where are the dogs? I can’t see them.
They should be outside in the garden. Where else?
No, I can’t see them.
They might be upstairs.
They can’t be upstairs!
Well then, they may have gone away.
Will you study abroad some day?
Will you study abroad one day?
Well, I’m not sure. I may go to France or Canada.
What about studying in the United States?
I might go to the United States if I have to.
How would you like moving abroad for a year or two?
Well, I AGREE THAT working abroad may prove rewarding. (s’avérer enrichissant)
Why ?
Working abroad would allow me to open up to a new culture.
Aren’t you afraid of being taken out of your comfort zone?
Of course moving abroad means that sometimes I will feel homesick.
Time stamp : 1 December 2020 19:44:37 GMT+4