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Dictionnaires européens
synonyms <http://www.synonym.com/synonym/benefit> Succinct. Préférer le Roget's (voir plus bas "Thesaurus")  /  http://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/
Dictionnaires unilingues
                                         Commencer par  The Free Dictionary
Trésor de la langue française  
<http://atilf.atilf.fr/dendien/scripts/tlfiv4/showps.exe?p=combi.htm;java=no;> EXCELLENT et exhaustif pour ce qui concerne les mots de la langue française.
Thesaurus (dictionnaire analogique)
<http://thesaurus.reference.com/> Dictionnaire à consulter ABSOLUMENT  pour en mesurer les potentialités notamment pour le thème.
Une machine à traduire de Google : donne des résultats cocasses.
Exemple :
"Une machine à traduire de Google qui donne des résultats cocasses.
A Google translation machine that gives results comical."
Dictionnaire des proverbes
(français>anglais) (Special thanks to C. Kittery)
Slang dictionaries (argot)
Dictionary of slang, webspeak, made up words, and colloquialisms
SlangSite.com is a dictionary of slang, webspeak, made up words, and colloquialisms. Browse our listings, or submit your own slang words to our site.
Dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms of the UK
A monster-sized dictionary of English slang and British colloquialisms (informal speech) currently in use in the UK, listing over 4000 slang expressions.
www.peevish.co.uk—slang <http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/>
The Online Slang Dictionary
Welcome to The Online Slang Dictionary and Slang Thesaurus. Learn thousands of terms or add your own. SlangMaps show you where slang is used. http://onlineslangdictionary.com/
The Source
to read an excerpt from our new book and find out more about where this slang comes from. Who is Fred Lynch? The Dictionary ... http://www.thesource4ym.com/teenlingo/
Slang Dictionary
This site was sparked by a discussion (in 1997) on NCTE-Talk list as teachers suggested a creation of an illustrated-annotated Slang Dictionary. ... www.tnellen.com—slang <http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/slang/
PEAK English™—Slang
The Slang Dictionary allows you to search for words and expressions that you may not be able to find in a regular dictionary. ... www.peakenglish.com—slangSearch.jsp <http://www.peakenglish.com/slang/slangSearch.jsp>
Slang Dictionary at the University of Oregon
The Slang Dictionary is a searchable archive of slang terms collected by Linguistics 101 students at the University of Oregon. Each entry is also linked to ... http://babel.uoregon.edu/slang/pub_search.lasso
A wilderness of dictionaries